Competition Rankings for January

3 last night :grin: total = 12…
funny when I woke up in the morning I was sure they were 4, but i can’t remember more than 3. perhaps a false memory…

+2=15 (both lasted just a few minutes but hey, its progress…i had a bad drought)

5 LDs

2 more, I thought I had 3 until I looked at my notepad and saw what I had written down during the night :bored: Must have dreamed that I had 1 extra LD :razz:

Nice idea, this competition :wink:
I haven’t been doing particularly well lately, although I managed to get the DreamViews task of the month

I’ll have a go for Feb and see how I do…

:cheer: 2 LDs last night, which make a total of three for January! :boogie:

edit they can be found here

Moogle: :cool:

I had another one last night (worthy to be written up, when I find the time) leaving me at… um… seven I think…


Yeah, seven :smile:. I’m gonna go add a ‘to be written up’ section on my DJ now :wink:.

one more for me!! :clap:

Sureal, if you keep getting this many LDs and you can’t find the time to write them down, you will never get them all posted :tongue:

And another congrats to moogle on her 2 LDs :yes: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

It’s all this coursework I gotta do (for the unknowing, coursework is like homework, only a hundred times worse). Once Feb 8th has gone by, I’ll have plenty of time to catch up on my LD’ing writing (though hopefully I’ll get one or two up before then :smile:).

1 I need to put more effort into this

I had 2 just like a few minutes ago. and I still have 2 hours before school yay! goes back to sleep

1 more (total 16), and at last one that lasted long enough to go exploring around. I jumped into the TV … :happy:

One more :cool:

I had my 5th LD during January today. Too bad that it was not as long as i expected, but it was long enough to count in :neutral:

1 more LD; total = 13

2 more for me :grin: quite short though :sad:

1 more today :grin:

I’m almost even with my plan for 2005: at least 6.5 lucid dreams per month.

So it was 6th in January :smile:

:cheer: :boogie: one more lucid dream! :boogie: :cheer:
I managed to see the goose for the “Growing a dream for a partner” project in it.
I will be posting it later today. This makes a total of 4 Lds this month.

1 more for me :grin: :grin: