Competition Rankings for October

Time for an update, boost me up two more, to 4 LDs please.

another one this night :smile: Was pretty long also and unusable stable…
I tried a few experiments with txt/reading and such, it did not change no matter how long it was :smile:

day song i am very impressed i didnt noticed that you did that. montly ld and montly goal. clever i never thought of doing that

One more for me, I think that should make it 6 all together.

Alright, I think everything is up-to-date now :content:

Had one this morning; one more for me :grin: Thanks, TimeLess_Soul. I thought I may as well have a monthly goal to keep me motivated! :tongue:

Incredible! I was able to double my monthly total last night! :happy:

lol double cool now is somthin to be proud of and day song nw i am gonan sue that too lo but not in the forum in teh real world :clown:

I had a low level lucid dream.
I knew I was dreaming but I didn’t act upon it to do anything and the dream went on.

Does this count for this ‘competition’ thread? How about the signature - should I count it there? I wonder.

+2 LD for me (and + about 10 nightmares this night… :sad: )
This really wasn’t a good night! Had a feeling I was more awake than asleep… still the 2LDs were quite ok, especially the second one.

Clark: Hmm… that also happens sometimes to me. I personally don’t count that as LD, otherwise I’d say I had 3 tonight, not 2. In the one that I didn’t count I was lying in my bed and as soon as I saw some strange light next to me I realized I was dreaming. Then some creature grabbed me and I tried fighting it back sayig ‘hey, come on, i’m lucid, i should be out flying or something, not here fighting with you, stop it’ But it didn’t work. It kept grabbing me, till I woke up. How unsuccesful…that’s why I decided not to count it. I think it’s really up to you to decide if you want to count it or not, at least for your signature if not for here. Maybe you should ask daysong.

minako i would count that as a lucid ream, as long as you know that you are inside a dream and dreaming it is a lucid dream. if it lasts two seconds that is not two seconds of failure it is two seconds of lucidity which is great.

It lasted a minute or two for me before it ended, so you can count it for me as the first one for October. Will update my sig too…

Ehhh… Boost me up one. I don’t think I’ve ever had a worse dream in my life.

So, for anyone who is up for a story:

OK, so I go to a resteraunt on sonday to eat. When I get home I’m so full my stomach gives me grief. But I managed to fall asleep.

I was having a wonderful dream about it snowing, and then I relized that it was a dream. I checked my hands, there were more than 10 fingers, but at that moment I suddenly started shaking (in my dream) and shouting uncontrlably. Now, here’s the weird fact. I suddenly recovered and was desbratley avoiding becoming Lucid (even though I was aware it was a dream). The previous feeling was very frightening (like a pain and being seperated from my body more than was natrual), but, however, I was still asleep and was completley in control. So I went around my house avoiding anything that could make my Lucid, wether I was awake or not. I saw my dead cat ( :sad: ), and found myself relizing it was a dream, but I had this crazy idea that looking at my hands would cause these fits again.

I got something stuck to my arm and ripped it off, but also half of my arm went with it. But because I was in an Unaware LD it was really painful. I looked at my flesh woond, but (luckly) my alarm clock went off, and I was back in reality, with a non-woonded, non-painful left arm.

I feared (in my dream) that “becoming Lucid” would give me the fits (that I don’t even have in RL), but in RL (now) I know that it was only a nighmare, and doing a RCILD in a dram is lucky.

Produced by Technodreamer
Sound effects by Technodreamer
Visual effects by Technodreamer
Directed by Technodreamer
Scripts wrtten by Technodreamer
Published by Technodreamer

Please boost me up by another one, to a total of 2 for October…
I posted this night’s LD in my dream diary.

Bump me up one :smile:

One more for me.

Oooh, I got to play with new dream powers I learned in the forum. Thanks forum. Six LD’s this month for me.

I had a short one this morning, in which I was flying closely over a city. Unfortunately this didn’t went too well (mental blockages… ya know…). So I’m on 7.

put me down for another one! Although it was small, this is the first time I’ve gotten 2 ld’s in a month :happy: yay!

yay! one more for me! and it was the highest level one ive had as yet… :tongue:

Please add one more for me! An FA which I changed into an LD…