Competition Rankings for September

4.5 last night (!!). The lightning storm outside constantly woke me up and game me WBTB’s… but I got scared of WILD’ing after I found out that one of my dream pets was a psycho rabbit… (DEFINITELY will post later…)


Another LD this morning where I was teaching my friend different tricks he could do while lucid, it was pretty fun :content: …anyways total for me is now 5

Another .5 gets me to 9.

1 more last night…brings me to 2

Another one this month makes 3 the total :wink:

One more! :cool_laugh:

Total: 4

Another 1 gets me to 10.

I got a free one last night, no techniques, just instant lucidity! That brings me to 4! (Click Here to Read)

one more last night…
had several lucid moments too but i wont count them

Total: 5

Another this morning totalling 6 for me now

1.5 gets me to 11.5.

2 more this morning
Total: 7

It’s the12th and I’ve already equalled my record! :clap: :partying_face:

1.5 gets me to 7.5 :content:

Another .5 gets me to 12.

2 more last night gets me to 14.

Got one this morning! I’m at 1.5.

Had a .5 a while ago and 1 last night making 2 for me. School just screwed me up. I will be expecting more now. ^^

2 more get me to 16.

had my first LD since coming back to college, making 2 for september so far!

.5 LD’s so far! lol