Although I seem to be having a poor month, I all I need is a Lucid Moment to tie my other poor months, and I have a couple of nights to put me over this minimum!
(Oh no! The Grilled Cheese Sandwich was a Mimic!)
Do I count the ones I’ve had from last night on or the ones I’ve had for the past year? I’m not sure of “when” I should start keeping track of my LD’s.
Well, in this thread, you should count the ones you’ve had in September.
As for your “total”, I had the same dilemma! I decided to start recording from when I joined LD4all, it just made it easier. I had begun my dream journal (well, this instance of it, I usually record for a bit and then slack off) a short time before coming here, so I actually started a touch before joining, to make it an even month.
Since joining, my interest and commitment has been better than ever. This is the longest uninterrupted recording of dreams I’ve done!
Joining this month as well, even though it is almost over. Had a small lucid dream this night, where I failed to fly, and lost it afte a brief time. But at least it seems that my return to the forum is starting to have effect (and also continueing my old dream diary)
LDs for September: 1
(Oh no! The Grilled Cheese Sandwich was a Mimic!)
Oh… well then…
I guess that makes it 25 LDs this month for me it’s almost if not completely a habit now to have LDs every night. Been having them daily since last late November, which has been very exciting considering how there are endless possibilities as to what you can do with your own Mind WITHIN your own Mind. Every night’s a fun night hehe
But I still can’t find anyone to try a shared lucid dream with
seeing the new member state they had 25 LDs with no dreams posted etc … it again brings up the question of should at least some of the LDs mentioned be posted at the forum.
It could be a question of finding the time of writing them up, well I know that the case for me and each LD takes me a least an hour or two to write up properly, which is a lot of time to find between intensive studies, but that just with me personally
Personally, I’d love to see every LD linked to the DJ before it counted. I love to read LD’s, but I find that DJ’s are full of ND’s too, so I don’t often go through them all.
(Oh no! The Grilled Cheese Sandwich was a Mimic!)
Had another last night, making it 26 for September
Wasn’t a big LD, just felt like making a beach and a zen garden and then I talked with Bubbles (my SG, or I’m guessing he’s my SG. He won’t confirm it for me but he appears every once in a few LDs. I’m not sure what triggers his appearance, but I’m working on finding out.)
We talked about my book and how I wanted him to change his name to something else. And that was fun… but mostly I spent my time designing my zen garden, hahaha
I’m with you on that. I think next month I’m going to start a “LDJ” on the forums. That would help me to record the LDs to my paper DJ more faithfully and be of help for making progress with my LDs.
Meanwhile, I’m up to 7 LDs this month, but yeah, oh well…
I had a pretty weird experience … I walked through a mirror, and then my body disappeared! Since I couldn’t perform any RC’s, I lost my lucidity.
I’ve been using a new weird method as well lately. When I go to sleep, I just lay there and let my mind do all the thinking. Everytime I think of a word, I whisper it, if I see a picture I whisper what it was a picture of. It only takes about 2-3 minutes doing this until I’m totally lost! It’s like I’m halfway in a dream, but still I can move any parts of my body easily.
Maybe I will get my first WILD soon!