Coping with wet dreams

I’ve never had a wet dream before o.O, but I’ve woken up in the middle of masturbating(can we say that here?)

I’m a 28 year old woman, and I’ve been getting wet dreams a lot recently. It’s enjoyable during the dream state, but then it just feels disturbing when I wake up. It’s probably because I have not been sexually active in the past two months. But since I’ve been getting my period on top of that, your analogy doesn’t hold up. They say it is more common for women than generally reported.

Wear a condom to bed.


I never had a wet dream :sad:
Always wanted to have one!

And I can hardly look at it as the male version of the menstrual cycle…

Well, i kind of have the same problem as reIV here.

Before I began with LD’s this kind of dream was common for me, but now its impossible. How will I get them back?

Wet dreams are natural, they either happen or they don’t. It isn’t a big problem to cope with … since this topic was dead for 10 months until someone apparently googled for it and then posted here.

We are also in danger of getting into “Too Much Information” territory so …