Could 2014 mean the end of humanity ?

yes but then radioactive debris will hit the planet :sad:

The thing is we don’t really know that for sure. That was the hole point behind the movie the day after tomorrow. Most think that such an event is maybe hundreds or thousands of years off. However, mother nature reserves the right to change her mind at any time. While I would hope your stats on a comet hit us are right there are many other things that nature can throw at us which are just as devastating.

wtf has this crap got to do with dreaming?

My point is it is just as likely or unlikely now as in a hundred thousand years. But us destroying ourselves will probably never be more likely than it is in our time! Hopefully. But i agree with the obvious that we can’t do much about Mother Nature except monitor her and flee when she gets “angry”. Perhaps it would even be wise to have a self-sufficent colony on Mars once space propulsion becomes cheap enough for it to be done. That way we could survive even if something bad happened to us here on Earth.

WTF!!!11 :roll: (Hint: read the description for this forum.)

You’re right ! This topic has its place in the “Lucid Lounge”, not in “Beyond Dreaming” !

Not that this is a funny topic. But just to share a laugh I found this

Haha! That link was great!

The Earth is reacting accordingly to us, so is the Universe. We’ve abused our free will to go agains Nature’s natural cycle and we’re paying the price.

The only thing we need to fear about ending the world is our own Selfishness and lack of understanding of one another.

But I think references to The Apocalypse are pretty much references to the next step in Evolution for Man…not the physical really, but the Evolution we haven’t followed; our consciousness. But unfortunately, Mankind only tends to learn from its mistakes (assuming they are big enough mistakes) before we better ourselves.

we have enoufgh atomic weapons to blow up our planet a few times over. it sould be enoufgh to take care of a comit ^^

“Soylent Green is made from people!!! It’s people!!!” -quote from soylent green the movie.

Maybe our future will be like that one, the earth will get so over populated that a business corporation will start rounding up worthless people and turning them into a food product. So then we will be eating ourselves. (As if we don’t already eat everything else on this planet) I love irony.

My limited understanding of how this works is: even if all the countries unleashed their entire nuclear arsenals at a comet the size of what we are talking about, blasting it into a million pieces. That still would not reduce the mass of the comet.

2014! That could mean possibly, or more likely finally, the end of Simpsons, oh my god!!! Who ever prophetised this was with bad agenda, because Simpsons are pretty fucking good serie, even if the people behind it are getting middle aged, bored and nostalgic. But anyways, its the Simpsons man!
:cry: :grrr:

NO there shall never come the year 2014, Simpsons must live forever in our mind as something immortal that made our lives somewhat better back in the days of endless confusion.

Too bad we dont have the equipment to watch more than a tiny bit of the sky… There has actually been a few near misses lately, that wasnt discovered before it would be too late if it would be on course for earth.

If they just found out now that there was a comet/astroid a few days from hitting earth, then i think the chances would be quite slim indeed for us to handle blowing it out of course.

Simpsons will be history after 2007… They decided that they will axe it after season18 due to that they are running out of ideas and that they want to stop it before they repeat themself.


i dont think theres much chance of a comet hitting earth considering all the space junk we have left up there it will most likley be repeled in another direction along with space storms and other cosmic forces surrounding our planet.

Tho i did read something about the moons of jupiter being aligned in such a way that it would cause a mass gravitational pull on earth, and we would literally be sucked off the planet and imploded. yes this occurs in 2012 :smile:

There’s so much misinformation and basically bullshit spread around about this 20XX thing. I don’t mean to pick on you personally (I don’t know whether you even believe in that stuff), but just stop and think about what you said. The most obvious thing to me that shows up this claim as false is that Jupiter itself obviously has a mass many orders of magnitude greater than all its of piddly moons put together, however they are oriented in relation to us, so why haven’t we already been ‘pulled off into space?’

I hope we all don’t die in 2014. Ill be 25 then :open_mouth: wow thats like well old :razz:

well it does say in the bible these 2 things

Rev 8: 8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

Rev 8: 9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

IMO this is an asteroid. “Like a great mountain on FIRE” It seems this could be an asteroid that falls into the ocean, and a third of the sea life dies.


Rev 8: 10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

Rev 8: 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

this has to be a comet of some sort. “a great star falling from heaven, burning as if it were a lamp.” sounds exactly like a comet to me.

See, you gotta remember when John saw these prophecies that was given to him, it was wayyyyyyyyyyy before humans understood anything about space. So he was writing down what he saw, he saw what looked like a great mountain on fire. He didn’t know this was called an asteroid. And with WormWood, he had never heard of the term - Comet. Had he known these terms, I’m sure he would have wrote them down.

lol this whole end of the world crap…so many stories on it. There was stories of a volcano erupting on the western part of the US, and it could terminate all populations in North America and part of Asia.

But actually…this comet thing isnt so far fetched. If it hasn’t been posted already, you know that Armaggedon (cant spell) movie with Bruce Willis? Well, that comet was based off a true comet that was going to hit the Earth and kill everybody, but it turns out that it missed us. Public just wasn’t informed because like others have said, it would cause mass chaos and everybody would freak out.

If NASA can see galaxies far away, I’m sure they could see comets…now if this one is headed DIRECTLY for earth, no clue about that. We all know how math problems can go wrong :smile: