Could life be a lucid dream?

Reality only seems fake if you have let yourself become distent from it. That is easy to do if you are very intropective and focus on your own thoughts and yourself most of the time. If you are lost and confused and do not know yourself than reality at that time will also seem very unreal. If you spend long periods of time alone or in solitude life may also start to seem imaginary.

I have been friends with men so full of lies or self doubt that they themselvs seemed imaginary to me. Your life is a dream in the metaphorical sense. I think the only way for someone to experience “Lucid” reality is for him to find himself and his place in the universe. To find what is truely real and to desmiss the illusions he has made to think reality was in his head. To find his heart and know what it means. To truly find what God is.

The trick is not to experience life through the mind, but through your emotion/instincts and soul/heart.
Our connections with other people, places and things are what makes our lives the more real. If we have none of those we will most likely go insane.

Dreams are only experienced witht he mind. Do not experience life with only the mind. You will create a lonely hell.

I think Hullabaloo has made one of the most insightful posts here so far, and I agree in many ways. I myself have been derealized for months due to anxieties, and I admit that it was this which made me think about the nature of reality.

Actually, in a way I’ve been thinking about this all my life. The question “what causes consciousness?” has baffled me for years. After all, it is the ultimate paradox that something subjective (mind) should flow from something objective (matter). Instead, I’ve become more partial to the idea that it’s the other way around: mind causes matter, “matter” being no more than imaginary physical laws. Maybe things only make sense in the “real” world because we think they should.

I happen to have written a treatise about this recently: … iverse.htm l

i think he says that because when you dream your more in your spiritual body like when you die your only in your spiritual body

another reason i think jesus decribes it like that is because when you wake up from a dream you relize that was only a dream and dreams last for a certain amount of time but when you die your spiritual body breaks loose from your physical body and you will live in your spiritual body eternally so its like you woke up from a dream because you only live on earth a certain amount of time