could lucid dreaming be dangerous????!!!!!

i heard when during the day the brain uses like alot of energy to like think n stuff and in the night when u is asleep it like recharges and thats the whole reason you need to sleep. my theory is that when you lucid dream you are thinking conciously and there4 you are using energy and thier brain can’t recharge properly or wheelie something and your brain will die cos its power is on running out or something his wheelie-bin like that

No, it’s not dangerous… actually a lot of people feel more refreshed after a lucid dream than they do after normal sleep. It would be like saying normal dreams are dangerous; lucid dreams really aren’t all that different.

I think there are other topics about this somewhere around here that explain it better, if not then it must have been in one of the articles I read somewhere and I’ll try to find it.

Search. Forums. Age Changed? Thanks.

Hell no its not dangerous. No more dangerous than any other dream. Like you could move around while sleeping, but just as much as regular sleep I would imagine. So there is no danger at all.

Not in the least bit…

Lucid dreaming is a skill. Real effects of LD I don’t know, hence I didn’t noticed any particular pro or con, but it is unusual way that dreams go.
Will power is an engine for it, but it seems more effort you make, you just wake, so it really is not energy consumer.

For the most part it has to do with remaining calm and being aware of what is going on. The ability is nothing but a realization. I would compair it most to playing a videogame, because at first when you do it, you might get lucky and get a few lucid dreams right off the bat, just because you become aware of their excistence. But then you have to start practicing and get better in order to continue.

For me it remains true. The first three months I knew about lucid dreaming I had seven lucid dreams and since then (last three months) I have had none. I think I have been just as active. I have stopped reading articles and stuff like that, maybe that is really what I need to do before I go to sleep next time. Don’t know.

Yes, doing routine thingy can help, I’ve read someone took cup of coffe, reading book, anything that can relax you, watching the same movie, or listening the same song is also possible way of sliping into dream stable state. Key is to be relaxed and brain active, like hypnosis, although I don’t have experience in hypnosis.

hmm yes, the chairs would probably break though

The chains, not the chairs, right?

Let it flow reeemoe!!!

I would compare LD with sex. If you have it, although it takes some energy out of you, afterwards you feel somehow more better. So instead of draining the energy out of you the good LD can instead inspire your day even if you got not that much sleep. If you get too much LD (IMO) then it can maybe took too much energy out of you (like excess sex). But as far as i have read you can decide do you want to become lucid in your dream, or not. As i ALWAYS wanted to get lucid, i cannot give objective answer, but i’m pretty sure that if i get fed up about LD one night i can decide either i want to continue lucid, or just to go one with natural dream :smile:

Yes, you can have to much fun and your heart will explode. It happened to a friend of mine.

Lucid dreams are just dreams!

Are dreams dangerous? maybe some are. If people have nightmares and lose sleep. Lucidity can help with that. :smile: … so no, lucidity is no more harmful than regular dreams.

This sounds like sarsasm, and not meant to be taken seriously.
The longest recorded LD was 46 minutes long … not hardly long enough to interupt one night of sleep … and you can’t “keep” yourself locked into REM during lucidity. That comment is just crazy.

Everyone please stop posting about the “Is LDing dangerous!!!” topic. It brings fear to n00bs who wanna try this, eventually if the posting continues they will be intimidated and won’t try LDing. :grrr: :wallhit: :angry:

Then why did you post in here? This topic is from last year… it must have been on at least the fourth page. You’ve just brought it back up.

I take this wonderful occasion to close this topic, as there has been a long topic about this here:
[url]Lucid Dreams Dangerous?]