"Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin Dies

My brother once told me “hey look at this guy! He always talks that rediciouslous and does cool stuff!” and we laughed a lot just listening to him speak.

…What I find really shocking is that he didn’t die from all those crocs and stuff he went close to…

But a stingray which he had the bad luck to have it sting him through his heart. He would have survived otherwise…

Just shows us how unpredictable things can be.

Someone at school made an excellent point today that I thought I would share…they said…

“when u have two kids. and u know something could happen. and ur kids are going to have to grow up without a dad. there is a time to stop it all…its still really sad and he will be missed”

It made me really think about his kids…

They are going to grow up only seeing videos of their dad.

Yeah…but, I guess sh*t happens :neutral: Very sad for his family, though :sad:

I agree, afterall, wrangling crocodiles is rather dangerous, but remember that his death was such an abnormal event…the third recorded death in australia, in history, from a stingray. It kind of goes to show you that it could have happened to anyone in that situation…still, such a shame, I’m going to miss him.

I was sad to hear he died. Although I don’t watch his show now, I’m certainly familiar with him, and I used to watch his show occasionally when I was younger. I feel that, on the one hand, it’s terrible and somewhat unfair that he died from such a comparatively harmless animal as a stingray, but on the other hand, I suppose it’s better that he wasn’t mangled by an alligator. I’m sure it would have been discomforting to his family if he had suffered such a gruesome death.

Reportedly the footage of his death will be broadcast, by request of his family. I’m not sure I really want to see that.

In memory of him, here’s a funny quote of his that I came across:

It’s strange to think that such an animated guy is dead now. I’m going to miss him. :sad: