Cure for my disorder!?

That is exactly why I suggested spending some time in darkness in the morning in stead. I know it sounds like a simplistic solution but, it just might help a little.

I totally agree do not allow this to be a disability. Find a way to use it to your advantage.

Good luck

Is the thingy triggered by your eyesight or by the sunlight on your skin?
(sunglasses/clothes that cover you completely as remedies, respectively)

You should stay covered during the day and expose yourself to as much light as possible during the night (lightbox a while before you go to sleep, hell, read a book in there)

Well good luck and tell us if you’re going to try it…

And yes, the night can be beautiful…
By the way what does serotonin do again? I already have melatonin sleeping pills so I know one of them.

The light box is triggered by eyesight. Its not because of your skin. Its supposed to be a strong amount of simulated sunlight which shuts off melatonin. doing this at night would be bad if it were to actually work because then I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep. Seratonin is a chemical that keeps you awake.

I love the “keep yourself covered” with clothing, and be in the dark- I know what I’ll do, I’ll just walk around in a dark black robe with sunglasses.