I am surprised to see that DJ (Dream Journal) isn´t yet in the acronyms.I think more people use it than DD
I am surprised to see that DJ (Dream Journal) isn´t yet in the acronyms.I think more people use it than DD
Perhaps another one: LS = Lucid Sleep
Added, . . but without a floating description bubble for now.
umm what about Shared Dreaming???
SD still havent done it but i will get there
can’t believe we don’t have one for Shared Dreaming
SD - Shared Dream - the possiblility to ‘share’ a dream - be in the same dream with other ppl.
i see Timeles_Soul already sait that i’m going to add it to the popup thing already, as well as DJ
when adding Shared Dream i was editing the Dream Sign acronym to make it into the SD one. While typing it became “Shared Dream Sign”. That’s a cool one come to think of it
Shared Dream Sign:
a. A Dream Sign signifying for the dreamer he/she is in a shared dream
b. A Dream sign shared by different dreamers (can i have the dream sign now? you have had it for 2 weeks already)
c. A Dream Sign noting the dreamer he/she is now entering a shared dream. (like a road sign: warning: Shared Dream ahead, enter at your own risk, maximum flying speed 30mph)
I thought it was time to update my definition of Lucid Living:
Maintaining, in your waking life, the same state of awareness that you experience in a Lucid Dream.
With all the discussion and exploration of this subject that has gone on here I think this is a better definition. Any chance you can get the “LL” mouse over to work on this server ???
nope… doesn’t depend on the server but on the censor words program i use to do the acronym thing. and it is not case sensitive And íf it sees 'll it 'll make 'LL out of it…
I’ve collect suggestions and made a list of unregistered terms:
ASP - Awake sleep paraylsis
IMLD - In my Lucid dream
SRA - Sudden random awakening
EWLD - Exploring the world of Lucid dreaming
LDER - Person who can Lucid dream (“LDer”)
LS - Lucid sleep
AP - Astrual Projection
LDs - Lucid dreams
LS - Lucid sleep
RT - Reality testing
PD - Precognitive dreaming
CILD - Chakra Induced Lucid Dreaming
CHILD - Charecter Induced Lucid Dreaming
PILD - Punishment Induced Lucid Dreaming
PLILD - Placebo Induced Lucid Dreaming
RILD - Reward Induced Lucid Dreaming
TILD - Thirst Induced Lucid Dreaming
UILD - Urinate Induced Lucid Dreaming
OILD - Orgone Induced Lucid Dreaming
NILD - Nap Induced Lucid Dreaming
DRILD - Drug Intiated Lucid Dreaming
SHILD - Shared-Dreaming Indcued Lucid Dreaming (Where you tell someone there dreaming or viceversa)
SILD - Sexual Induced Lucid Dreaming
STILD - Spontaneous Induced Lucid Dreaming (That’s my one)
SPILD - Sleep Paraylsis Induced Dreaming (A branch of WILD)
The below quote is what happens if you put “lild” into the message. I have had to put LI-LD into the quote to stop it repeating it self.
At least BrainHacker’s famous!
Do you want my autograph?
I’ll post my suggestions again:
FSP= False Sleep Paralysis: happens when you wake up in SP-like conditions in a FA. This type of SP is caused by mental blockages, while the real SP is caused by physical conditions.
FHI= False Hypnagogic Imagery: happens when you experience HI while falling asleep inside a dream. This could be hypnagogic or hypnopompic.
CLD/CoLD= Chain of Lucid Dreams: when you experience several individual LDs after each other in a short time period.
CFA/CoFA= Chain of False Awakenings: when you experience several FAs after each other in a short time period.
SPA/SPuA= Sleep Paralysis upon Awakening: the most common type of SP.
SPFA/SPuFA= Sleep Paralysis upon Falling Asleep: very rare type of SP but it exists.
I noticed that we don’t have NREM here…
Non-Rapid Eyes Movement
hmm… could have skipped over this one, but DR should be ‘dream recall’ I’m a really lazy typist, and probibly will spell every 2nd word wrong, so for the sake of LD4all we may want to add this one
Thanks for applying my VILD technique to the forum pasQuale!
How about adding some grammar to the acronyms?
LDs - Lucid Dreams
LDing - Lucid Dreaming
FAs - False Awakenings
and so on…
FWILD: Fake Wake Initiated Lucid Dream. When you do WILD in a dream, thinking that you are awake.
I think this one is pretty common, so I would like to see it added to the list of acronyms…
If you realize that you are dreaming while the dream is fading away and you are starting to wake up, could you call that LA: Lucid Awakening?
Here is a good definition:
DILD - Dream-Initiated-Lucid-Dream–A dream in which the dreamer becomes Lucid during the dream, either by dreamsigns or spontaneously.
thanks Lucidity Master
This seems like some good definitions
MILD - A method of lucid dream induction done by falling asleep with the presleep intention to remember to recognize the dream state.
WILD - A method of lucid dream induction done by focusing on something to keep the mind awake as the body falls asleep in order to enter the dream state fully lucid.