Did I get close to Sleep Paralysis?

I’m not quite sure…Last week I was trying to WILD. I just stayed there I bed for quite a while and sort of felt impatient. I couldn’t see any HI. Sometimes I did but they disappeared instantly after I saw them. I still felt like I could move, but at the same time I started feeling ticklish from the feet, and that slowly crept upwards. I sort of felt a bit hot, and I felt as if my heart was beating faster. After a while I was really impatient (and I really messed up here) and then I just sat up. My muscles did feel very week. I moved my hand and felt as if very lightly it was vibrating or something. Then I laid down, and wanted to try again but I fell asleep. Was I getting close to SP? I honestly did not feel relaxed, I kept on swallowing and I couldn’t see any HI. This is the best I’ve done if I was really getting close. The past few days I just keep falling asleep. Probably because I’ve been sleeping late and wake up to early to try WILD…But I don’t have an alarm, so I just try if I naturally wake up.

And some other questions I have as well…

Is there some way to enter SP, and not have hallucinations? I know what would appear and I’m a bit nervous, but I do want to try and not be scared if I do get them. But I think I would be better off not having them.

What can I do so I can stop swallowing all the time?

Any others way that I could just think and stay awake, but not get inpatient and all?

I think those are all the questions I had in mind…

Thanks ^^

It sounds like you might of been close (vibrations is one of the symptoms), about swallowing, just try not to focus on your saliva else you will feel the need to swallow. I wouldn’t really worry about the hallucinations as (from what I’ve heard - I’ve never actually had a sucessful WILD) you seem to only see the old hag if you open you eyes. Bt most importanly, just try to relax. Count ‘1, im dreaming. 2, I’m dreaming’ and so on. Good luck, and happy lucid dreams :smile: !

Dang I regret moving in that moment now…XD

I tired again last night using the technique from this topic:
ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t … 2532074340 4642a5d

I did manage to get to the part where my heart started beating a bit faster, and where I sort of felt light vibrations. But I failed again :tongue:

And what do you mean by the old hag? :tongue: Thanks! ^^

Don’t even worry about sleep paralysis. A lot of people barely notice it when wilding. Don’t look for hallucinations either. Just relax and try not to force your mind to do any thing. Just relax and follow the natural flow of thoughts that pop into your head. Don’t analyze these random thoughts, but passively pay them notice. If you just relax and go with the flow of your thoughts and remind yourself that your dreaming every time you feel yourself slipping into sleep, you will prolly end up in a dream after a while.

And if you still have trouble getting into sleep paralasis, try watching this video: