The only reaction i have had from a DC that i can currently remeber is one time this big man was trying to really beat the crap out of me and he was chasing me around. I was like holy crap this is just a dream so I leaped into the air and he was still on the ground and he was sooo mad he was screaming “DAMMIT!!! GODDAMMIT!!!” and just stuff like that and he was stomping his feet and furious as ever.
One of my friends named cory had a lucid dream. and He was in the middle of a city and he realized it was a dream and said “wow how vivid!” and then a huge crowd of people circled him and were pointing at him laughing and he started getting startled and scared and lost his lucidity.
[b][color=indigo]Mine aren’t bothered usually, they usually just go “wahtever” or “oh, that’s nice” and carry on, like they don’t take me seriously or don’t care about me. Man I hate my subconcious!
My mum was in one and she got upset and crazy and clung to my legs begging for her to be dreaming too…THAT was scary
Next time I get lucid I’ll turn to them with an evil grin and say “hey you…guess what? hehehehehe I’m lucid” and see what they do then![/color][/b]
Often my DCs say some things or are completely non-interactive or not there at all(hate that)
But somtimes they ull sneaky little tricks that work to make me lose lucidity, such as one a had awhile back where i was in the middle of this very enjoyable ld when a tv crew turned up and told me it was all a set-up and i was part of some tv show, i belived him!
Other times i probably treat them with huge contempt, i listen to them but mainly ignore them or tell them that im dreaming and it dosent matter anyway.
Actually a few weeks back a DC gave me some yummy chip-like things and i was sure when i woke up i would creat and market these chips and make a fortune, only once i awoke i relized the chips had been to big and complicated to really make.
well the DCs in my “dream world” (not MY, just the one i know of so far) in my thread in beyond dreaming do not like me at all.
i’m some sort of outcast/criminal it seems…
who knows if this is like, REAL, or just, I expected my violent actions to have consequences since i expected to be in a real place, and thus they don’t like me…
i would also expect them to treat my like a stray dog, too, (good old Last Samurai) for wandering into their world clueless.
but usually when I’m lucid there are far less DCs and they seem less real, i’m not really sure how they react when I become lucid, it’s rare that I “become” lucid in the middle of a dream, i usually just re-enter woken up from dreams with a new founded lucidity.
sometimes they try and trick me and make me do trivial things with them though, in fact, they do that all the time, like they want to keep me inside this dream world, why i don’t know, maybe i’m not meant to be dreaming and am supposed to go into deep sleep for a while.
i’ve thought about that for a long time, going to sleep in a dream instead of letting it fade away and letting me wake up.
Actually, my DC’s are completely oblivious to it, and carry on just as if it is an ND. So I have to show off to get them to notice. Last night, I jumped off a 2 story building. Then some DC jumped off too after seeing me, never saw the outcome of that.
My DC ‘ do not seem to have any reaction when I become lucid. They either disappear as I go about my dream or, if I am including them in my dream they behave much the same as they did before ( unless I change that).
Yeah same here XD. Well when I became lucid, none of my DC’s really noticed, and I was in my school so there was a bunch of them. They acted normal, and I started telling them I was god and they reacted like any other normal person would react. “Yeah right, prove it.” So I dunno. Maybe it’s because they know what you’re thinking, so if you’re thinking something like “I am going to kill that DC” Then they react as if you’re not dreaming? Or maybe you expect them to run away? If you’re going to kill them, they probably should say “Uh oh” and vanish
In my second dream they were all really friendly to me and acted like normal. For some weird reason though loads of them had prams and quite a few were elderly.