Well, I’m NOT intending to serve as a permanent host for those millions of dust mites! If I do that… I wonder how I might look in a few weeks. Probably covered in a brownish layer of dust mites, dust mite faeces, and a lot of mould because I cannot wash myself anymore (this would cause another holocaust amongst my little friends). In time my family won’t be able to bear the gruesome stench anymore so they’ll probably kick me out. In order to survive I need to beg for food or money, but this too will soon be over. I mean, would you give your money to some giant mite ball sitting at the corner of the street?? I won’t… To survive, I’ll need to hide from people and the best way to do this is living like Robin Hood in the woods with my evergrowing symbiotic colony… But I’m not intending to do this, so please let me commit this holocaust. They won’t feel any pain
In Summer if a lot of flies get in the house I will kill them for health reasons…who wants a stomach bug with flies contaminating your food? If there’s only a few I leave them and hope they go outside again.
Slow or small spiders are safe from me…but those larger fast ones I get a shoe and wham bye bye spider, unless one of the cats spots it first!
I’m also guilty of killing ants, we got lots of them getting into the kitchen the other year and I had to use one of those ant bait plastic boxes to get rid of them.
If we didn’t kill them they would take over the world!
No, I never kill intentionally.Bacterias excluded.If killing some being is a side effect of my actions (like the flies that die when they get “run over” by your car) I don´t like it, but I take it.Otherwise the only option would be suicide.
Btw, cause someone mentioned it to be difficult to get flies out of the house:
After some time of trying it is quite easy to catch them with your hand while they are sitting someone.You just need to move your hand very quickly above the fly and close it.The fly will try to flee, and if you get the timing right, it´s flying just to the point where you are closing your hand
Within the last time, I even stopped harming plants if it isn´t necessary.I eat them, but I don´t like watching people who tear of leaves of some plant out of boredom.I usually don´t say anything, though.
Well, you can´t really give an explanation for this type of thing.It isn´t logical, it´s just my irrational morals.I try to live the by principle of minimal suffering
I´ve never met an animal that I found really disgusting to touch.The only thing that I used to find really disgusting are dead ones.I just couldn´t bring myself to touch one, even if it was a fly.It´s getting better, though.
Hmm. Sometimes if there’s wasps around the house I’ll kill those… However, if I see them trapped in the pool I’ll save them, interestingly enough. Flies are usually killed, just because they’re a bother with food and such. Ladybugs I wouldn’t kill, they don’t do anything to bother anyone… I love dragonflies, they’re always out by our pool
I don’t kill anything unless it has intent to kill me. Even wasps/bees i will guide outside, so long as you don’t make them feel threatened or they are p**sed (you can tell by how they move, on their mood) then they generally won’t sting.
I never have been stung by wasps/bees before. I never hurted them and I never become afraid of them either. I even let them alone. They don’t bother me.
Speaking of bees, I have been with my friends. That bee was closest to me. I wasn’t afraid, but my friends freaked out… they ALL got stung, EXCEPT me. Hehehe. My friends always wonder if I have a special power or something that protect me from being stung.
Never been stung myself either, but i dont like those creatures at all.
im peaceful i normally dont kill them, i pity them too much.
i dont kill anything… golden rule! i dont want to be killed by a higher being just for fun!
there are only 2 exceptions:
o) the animal / human is intending to kill me => self defense
o) for food (would be the same thing, without food i would die ummh )
i don’t even kill moskitos… they rarele sting me. and even if… they are doing me no harm!
Good for you! That’s kinda my golden rule too! Plus every creatures deserve to be alive. They play a part in the world like a butterfly flying can affect the entire weather (I heard that from somewhere). We’re linked in the cycle.
Am I making senses?
How about a slug? Have you touched a slug? or stepped on one? Eck! that slime is impossible to get off!
Now that I’m older I try my best not to kill insects. The only exception is ticks, and the occasional mosquito. Anything that inserts a feeding tube into my bloodstream is a threat. All ticks that I see are lit on fire simply because I can’t kill them any other way. Ticks carry several life threating diseases in my area. Recently Mosquitoes have been told to also carry life threating diseases (West Nile) , but if the mosquito is not sucking my blood and close to a window . . . . I shoo it outside.
My cousin has helped me in this way of thinking. She has a pool and she spends most of her pool time rescuing insects. I think it’s kinda fun so I help. Now I always have her voice in my head when I go to smack a fly! So I usually let it free. . . . Or feed it to my Venus Fly Trap! (Hey! I can’t kill the VFT can I? )
I find it really sad when people cut down old and large trees. I had a small argument with my Dad when he wanted to cut down 4 old trees for their house. My Mom and I talked him into saving one. It was kinda sad watching the others fall. That following year 1000’s!!! of Grackles surrounded the house. These are black birds very much like the Alfred Hitchcock movie! My Mom was scared to leave the house! The yard turned from green to black.
I suspect they were looking for the old nut tree to eat from during the migration . . . but it was cut down.
I suppose the teaching: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” helps fuel my moral standpoint on the subject. I would hate for some Alien creature to smack me with a “human swatter” . . . . but I’d never try buzzing in their ear!
If I see a dog near the road, I always honk at it so it doesn’t get near. If I hit a dog, I usually turn around and try to find it’s owner. The last dog I hit I tried to find the owner, but nobody knew the dog. I knew the dog was dying so I stayed with it in the road and said a little prayer. I knew it was dying soon and in pain, so I didn’t move it.
I also was coming home late at night and passed a hit dear in the road. When it seen my head lights it started moving!! and tried to get off the road. I turned around and saw it struggling. It’s back was obviously paralyzed. I got out and talked calmly to it and it started to calm. I called an Emergency Vet, and they said the Vet was in surgery . . . . and so they forward my call to the highway patrol! I gave directions to the highway patrol and asked what they were gonna do. He explained some police officers were coming and to stay there. I knew they were going to kill it. . . and it was paralyzed. So I said a little pray with the dear and left. I didn’t want to know how the cops were gonna handle it . . even the Vet hinted towards the outcome.
A kill to eat is one thing, but accidents and meaningless death is always very sad.
PS: I have great rescuing techniques for everybody!
If you see a drowned fly you can removed him from the water, and sprinkle salt on them! Tada! magically resurrected flies! it might work with other insects
Moths are friendly little creatures that sometimes follow the light into our house. If you turn off all lights but the one on the ceiling, you can then place a pointed finger in the center of the light. Most times the moth lands right on it and you can take it outside! . . . I learned this from experience.
I also have a great technique to catching flies for my plant. Have two cups and move very slow. Move as slow as possible and close the two cups together to captuer the fly. Slow is the key for this technique!
PS: . . . sorry so long.
Yes!!! It’s a beautiful thing! Lol! That reminds me of that out of nowhere, moths started to attack us (I wasn’t scared, but my friend was SCREAMIIIIING). I laughed soooooo hard that I almost ahem you know. lol! She was like, “HEEEEEELPPP MEEE!!! GET RIIIIIDDDD OOFFF THEEEESEEE UUUUGGGGLY THIINNNGS!!!” I laughed and laughed. She was mad at me for not helping her. Finally when I managed to stop laughing, I “called” all moths and it worked. They landed on my hands and I guided them back to outside. My friend was like, .
See why my friends think I have special power?
Yes slow trapping is a key. I always have been bug remover at my house
I get reaaaally mad if anyone kill a bug. My sister saw a fly in my room and I told her to leave it alone, but she didn’t. She SLAMMED it to death. I screamed her to get out of my room because I felt like maybe I just witnessed a serious murder scene and that I was there at wrong time and wrong place that the fly polices might assume that it was ME.
My imagination can go wild sometimes. Fly polices don’t exist.
Oh wow! I almost forgot this story!
When I was a small child I was playing in the woods. I unknowingly stepped into a YellowJacket’s nest and they started to attack me. I ran all they way home and the swarm followed me. I ran into the house and bees were everywhere in the kitchen. They stung my eye, under my shirt, and in my pants. I instantly started to strip naked and was freakin’ out! +
Once I was naked I ran to the most distant corner of the house, slammed the door, and balled up in the corner. While I heard my family smack and stomp the remaining bees. It took me about an hour to leave the room to go to the hospital.
I was stung over 100 times and my eye was swollen shut. I was told I might be allergic to bees now. I don’t really know because I’ve never been stung since.
The funny thing is:
The next spring I would go into the backyard and pet the same bee (yellowjacket) as they would collect pollen from the flowers. I forgave the bee and now we live in harmony.
However, I don’t think I’m gonna try petting bees now that I’m older! One good last handshake is all we need to make a truce.
That’s the same with my cousin that I mentioned. Don’t even talk about killing bugs in front of her! She will seriously stop liking you if she thought you were a bug killer.
Lol! Maybe I’m your cousin? Just kidding!
That’s a funny story DreamAddict! It sounded painful to experience that though. My family is allergic to bees
Oh well.
I get mad when I see people killing insects or other bugs. I can remember several times in elementary school when the whole class would go beserk because of a wasp in the room or a spider on the floor. I would catch it and put it outside to the horror of everyone. Once I cupped my hands over a bug on the floor so a girl that was trying to squish it couldn’t. She stomped on my hands to try to kill it anyway.
I don’t kill bugs, except spiders. I really have a thing with spiders, I can’t really understand. Everything else I let be. Expecially flies, I once had a pet fly in my room, that wouldn’t go out of the window so it just stayed there, ok thats a bit wierd!
lol DreamAddict did you ever think of getting into your shower? Or the quick through the door and slam it trick! Always works if you’re ahead of some of em! Plus I’ve got a vacumn cleaner. Hehe I was pretty entertained by my WindTunnel vision I had just now. SWEET.
I only kill stuff inside residential areas, spiders, mosquitoes, and attackers excluded. They die anywhere and everywhere. Other things don’t bug me while I’m outside. But once while I was hiking this bee kept circling me and landing on me. I was annoyed because I had just sprained my ankle and I was slapping violently all over and I never ever touched the fly. It never ever stopped buzzing around me, either.
I cant stand spiders either…
A long time ago, when I was in bed, A spider came down from a line he had attached to the ceiling, and was about 2 inches in front of my face. I swished it away and ran out of my room. I’ve been deathly afraid of spiders ever since
Another thing I cant stand are cockroaches. I was in my room on my computer one evening, and my dad fetched me to come to the backyard. He had sprayed a foot long roach with some kind of bug killer. the thing was limping around and it was HORRIBLE. It looked like it could have came in the dog door!
Other than that, I’m pretty much ok with other bugs… flies… bees… mosquitos
Interesting topic DM
My answer is: unfortunatelly YeS .
I am a girl that is udderly HoRRiFiEd of the horrible cridders called…SPiDerS !!! They r the only bugs i kill, If they r small enough of course. And the only other insect would be the mosquito When i feel something stinging my body, i just slap it and coinsidentally kill a mosquito(aww…2 bad). Other than that…No insects
Kat, lol! You’re too cute!
I used to hate spiders, but now I am ok with them even though I got poisoned by spider before and I had to get some antibotics. Sometimes people nickname me spiderwoman. I couldn’t even kill one baby spider. I’m weird I know, but I do find that very interesting that some people are horrified of bugs or some sort.
Lol, when I was a kid, I used to experiment on grasshoppers, trying to give them what I called, “Heavenly Home” where I feed them and take care of them so they don’t have to do anything. Unfortunately… I ahem kill them unintentionally. -_-
Yes, indeed it’s an interesting discussion!