Do you think in your dreams?


I mostly don’t seem to actively think at all, last night I even dreamed of people talking about lucid dream techniques :dingding: and not even that caught my attention.
I tend to be pretty absent-minded IRL, though.

I think quite often in my dreams. Instead of going lucid when something weird happens, I start making up reasons for why it’s possible that something weird just happened. Sometimes I wonder if that could be a reason I don’t get lucid very often :tongue: Or maybe it’s actually a sign that I’m getting more conscious in my dreams? :grin:

Anyway, an example: once I dreamt I was in outer space on a school trip. Me and my class mates were floating around without any kind of space suits on. I was like: “Hey, how is this even possible? There is no oxygen in space!” Instead of becoming lucid, I thought: “Oh, I’m sure there must be some kind of special system, then.”

And another example:
I dreamt that a man handed me a videotape. I was like: “Huh? Isn’t everything on DVD these days?”

Yes. But a lot of the time what I’m thinking will become part of my dream or form another branch in my dream.

This is in normal dream’s as I’m not sure what Lucid Dreams will be and if they will feel the same.

I think a lot in my dream, it just doesn’t always make sense what I think! :smile:

I always think in my dreams… so much, in fact, that sometimes when i write in my dream journal, I spend more time on what was going on in my head than what was going on with my surroundings! It could be just because I’m a pensive kind of person. That’s not to say that everything I think in dreams makes sense, though. :wink:

As for in LDs, I’ve only had two so far, so I can’t be sure. In one, I was absolutely floored and didn’t think much besides “Oh my word, I’m lucid dreaming!! Holy cheeseballs. So this is what it’s like?” And in the other, I seemed to be acting more on intuition than premeditated thought. It was like… thinking in impulses instead of words, if that makes sense. (Weird. I had been thinking clearly earlier in that dream.)

This is a really interesting topic, by the way. :smile:

Hmm… why just in LDs ? You can also think in ND’s, only that you don’t think by yourself… and ND is like RL. You think it’s real BUT you still act by yourself. Just that you don’t get it that’s a dream. Well, not allways, sometimes you find yourself like in a movie…

Anyways, in my LD’s and ND’s I spend some time (a few seconds) standing still. And some thaughts cross my mind, like “Hmm… what was that goal list to do in case I have an LD again ?” and things like that. So I guess I think in my LDs. IRL I think very much of the consequences of each action I perform, so I guess that’s why I think even in dreams.

I have a question which is related to thinking in dreams and stuff like that: What happenes if you daydream in a LD ?

I’m not quite sure. I haven’t had that many LDs to compare it to, but… I think I might have just been so shocked by the fact that I was lucid dreaming that I blocked out my own thoughts, to prevent myself from getting overexcited and waking up again. If that’s true, though, I didn’t realize I was doing it!

I wouldn’t think it’d be possible to LD without thinking…

Yeah, like it wouldn’t be possible to shoot energy out of your hands, right? :wink:
Remember it’s always a LD we’re talking about, I wouldn’t take limits like those for granted. Our mind can work in different ways - and some of those could include the lack of thoughts at a superficial level, like deep meditation. And it is indeed possible to meditate in a LD :content:

I believe we think, both in LDs and NDs. But we think with less consciousness (similar to less IQ). We think with more consciousness in LDs then in NDs.

Honestly I don’t remember ever typing that. :eh:

Though I think I meant the possibility of me dreaming would be an explanation for something bizarre happening.

Ok, it’s possible to mediate in a LD, but what if you daydream in a LD ? Or what if you go to sleep in a LD ? Whar happenes then ? You fall into a ND and lose your whole LD ? :content:
Anyways, there are people who act quickly without thinking, who first think and then act (which can be a very big loss of time, I’m telling you :tongue:) and there are people who act and think very quickly. Now the same thing applies in LD’s… or at least that’s what I think. Could you change your personality during a LD ? I don’t think so…

Meh, I don’t think my personality changed. I was curious as ever - the first thing I did was check the drawers around me to see if anything would be different from IRL. I do meditate, though, and I spend a lot of time “thinking in impulses” in waking life (I have ADD and zone out a lot, but people tell me that when I’m zoned out, I can still perform simple tasks and even answer their questions). TosxyChor sounds like he might be on to something, there. :smile:

Besides, many people have said that the things they think in dreams don’t always make sense. Wouldn’t it be possible that the ways in which we think might not always make sense, either?

Well Don Anonymouus, your first questions would require a different topic entirely to answer. :tongue: A short answer is, everything in dreams is based on expectations, so it’s up to you to decide what you want them to cause.

Ah, I see you’re getting to the real point of the topic :content: See, the main idea was to raise awareness of how our thought processes work in dreams, but you see it’s not that different from how a waking mind does: we still think, somewhat comment on the environment, and the like.
Plus, we have the possibility of becoming lucid in dreams, and reasoning pretty much the way we would do IWL, which means the dream self and the waking self can’t be that far apart: what if they were the same thing, with the same thought patterns, only different thoughts get recognized and addressed at different times of the day? The drastic change in environments would be a sufficient explanation enough to justify our different behavior.

You see, this idea could be seen as a little controversial. Which is the reason why people have to see for themselves first :content: and find out if their own dreaming self is really that different from its waking counterpart.

I think in my dreams all the time.
Like last night, in my dream, I was helping a random stranger find Dragon balls (Off of the anime series. Lol.) and there were much more than 7, there were small ones the size of marbles, and I thought to myself, “Wow, they must have came up with another season and I haven’t seen it yet” and some other stuff along those lines, and planning to look up the episodes online and watch them. It’s weird, cause I knew that dragons ball Z was a show, and not real, but for some reason it didn’t make me lucid. D: lol

Interesting topic…Err… I believe I think in my dreams sometimes. I never actually thought about this till now. In a few dreams I don’t think at all and just go along mindlessly with the dream…But for some dreams there are times when I actually think. For instance, I had a dream about my parents making me move out and I had to attend a different school I remember while I was with my parents I kept thinking [ I’m not even done HS, why did they kick me out? Maybe I can persuade them to let me stay until I’m done HS]

Random thought…maybe deep thinkers think less in dreams and vice versa for nondeep thinkers. :eh:

Yeah, I think sometimes in dreams too. I’m sure I do it more often and just don’t remember, but there have been quite a few dreams where I distinctly remember me thinking about something that happened, or going through some sort of thought process as to what I would do. It was usually logical in the context of the dream, and was not often something that would be out-of-character for me to think awake.

It’s kinda meta when you think about it-- a thought within a thought.
Of course, that’s not really how it works, but it’s a funny idea.