Does .999999~ = 1?

I’ll have to say that Dream Monster’s explanation is most adequate. one can define a sequence:
and then say that one can find an integer n such that sn is as close to 1 as you like. This is actually not a simple question and is related to the very philosophical foundations of mathematics (if you are familiar with set theory). It’s one of those brain teasers that in the beginning you know the correct answer and are sure about it and then start to doubt it.

If a triangle has one angle that’s 179.99999999999~ degrees, don’t the other two angles have to split that remainder. For trigonometry to exist, doesn’t this arrangement have to work?

Your 5-day trial is over, Dark Sider :content:

jam this into a calculator:
1 divided by 3 = .333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
x 3 should equal .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 but if you have a proper calculator it will say1 if you don’t have a proper calculator the infinite line of 9’s stored in the calculators memory will overload it making it explode causing you to have minor injuries such as blown off hands or an overloaded microchip from the calculator being flung into your brain at speeds of up to .99999999999999999999999999999 miles an hour

No there is nothing to split, cause the remainder is 0 to start with.

karl: I assume that calc is your own design, because i’ve never heard of one that has that many decimals. I have a “proper” calc btw… :smile:


Karl: If you were a genius you wouldn’t be stretching the board.

Rest of you: I’m just gonna assume that .999… = 1 because my 7th grade Algebra skills aren’t great enough to comprehend your Calculus Jibberjabber. Put Simply: My brain hurts.