For a beginner i’d say mostly the younger you are the easier it is. But as you progress, perhaps age won’t matter as much.
Hmm, you make a good point there
In any case, there seem to be other factors which appear to matter a lot more than age. I see that frequency of LDs and time between first attempt to first successful LD vary greatly between people and there does not seem to be an obvious connection to age (or is there? ).
I have not yet made my mind up as to what the most important factors might be, though. Is motivation everything? Or is there some other thing which makes people more “susceptible” to LDs?
Motivation is very important. Staying positive can give you a DILD. But there also some another factors. Age could be one of them, but it’s definitively not most important of them. Childs seems to have more REM sleep, but this does not makes all of them have LD.
Motivation is my problem.
Not like in this moment, but try getting me up to dj at 4 o’ klock
… I’m usually highly motivated, but it’d be impossible to make me write down dream at 4 am
Eh, luckly, motivation to write DJ’s at 4am and motivation to get LD is two another things, I guess.
If I am too tired, I usually cannot bring myself to write down dreams in detail. But I write down some keywords anyway. Often keywords are all I need to remember a dream later on.
Then again, if you are too tired to write down dreams, you might be too tired to actively pursue some LD induction technique as well…
well let’s see I’ve had one LD for an hour, and another for about 15 minutes. i’m only a couple years younger than you neo, and they were both recently. All my LD’s as a kid were extremely short so I’m not sure about the age thing. Good luck on a long one, they’re pretty amazing, but I prefer my epic dreams
I naturally have LD’S, I always have too.
But Age may matter, but LD’S just come natural so IDK.
Just curious, what stuff can you guys pull off in LD’S? I just wanted to see if since I LD naturally LD if it would be easier for me. Like, what’s one of the hardest things to do in LD’S?
Someone could answer…
I naturally have LD’S, I always have too.
But Age may matter, but LD’S just come natural so IDK.
Just curious, what stuff can you guys pull off in LD’S? I just wanted to see if since I LD naturally LD if it would be easier for me. Like, what’s one of the hardest things to do in LD’S?
There are countless topics on this why don’t you go look?
Everyone has mentioned age affecting REM sleep and learning ability. But what about the quality? Young children have such a different perspective, they accept so easily. I bet their lucid dreams would be amazing.
Well, considering small children, as far as I know dreams can only be made with components of memories, ofcourse you left side of your brain can do some nice cut n paste work to make it look new but without the original input your dreams are gonna be clueless.
There are 2 dreams I remember from when I was a really small kid, a nightmare about men-eating spiders and what seemed to be a sort of scrambling between Disney’s Dumbo and Fantasia.
(I can’t be sure about how old I was(my best guess, 4), and the dreams are pretty vague by now)
Maybe I was’nt a very creative kid (which is actually contradicted by the fact that at that age I did’nt do alot more than drawing and building stuff) but because kid’s dreams lack input I’d imagine there not being alot of things to dream about.
Scientifically as you get older your brain adjusts for more stage 3 and stage 4 deep sleep (NREM-unconcious) as this is the stage where you repair your body, and this is required more in later life, especially after puberty/hormones have balanced out. However, the person’s natural ability to learn, adapt and natural cognitive processes are also just as valid, so roughly, age doesn’t matter, but it can.
Well this has turned into a bit of a debate, hehe… my personal conclusion is that age is a contributing factor to the “ease of LD’ing”, however control and duration of LD’ing is mainly impacted by experience and environment that your mind has to develop these skills.
It’s interesting how you brought up stage 3 and 4… if someone was to realise they were dreaming during these stages, could that in fact have an impact or partial affect towards the repairing of your body?
Suppose you fell into a coma, would a Lucid Dreamer be capable of waking up during a dream and wake him/herself out of the coma? I haven’t read up on exactly what a coma is or if you even dream in them but this was an interesting thought that i’d like to add to this topic, even though it’s a little off-topic, hehe .
Well im pretty young but,my first LD (today!!!) that wasent like when i was 5,was realistic,i could fly with no problem,and my powers were cool,so,apparently being young isn’t bad for ld’s xP
im not sure i am believing the kid on the first page who said he could wild when he was 5. i also wonder if you could have a lucid coma?
I’m 13 and I’ve never had any problems with LD’s My first LD was a DILD not long after I found ld4all, it was a while back, in fact my first LD anniversarry is coming up soon my first LD was one of the most vivid ones I’ve ever had, in my first LD I was able to grow twice my size, grow four arms, grow wing (and glide down stairs, not that impressive, I know) and beat The Hulk into a pulp, it lasted about 10 minutes, I’ve had some that have lasted what seemed like a good 30 minutes, but I didn’t have a watch, so that’s an estimate, nothing more.
I’ve had two WILD’s without any WBTB assistance, the second one though I wasn’t in the dream, I was in a strange mushroom field, and I was like a foating spirit, then I tried to materialize myself and I woke up.
I had a third WILD just last night, this time in combination with a technique I call WBTD (wake back to dream) similar to WBTB, but not the same, I later found out that that method had already been thought of, and it’s called “chaining”, which makes sense, that’s pretty much what it is, going directly back into a dream upon awakening before the image dissapears.
Anyways, I was 13 when I had my first (Feb 6, 2006) and I’m still 13 now, almost a year and only 26 LD’s but that’s because for a while I decided that it was too hard and I gave up, but then I came to the forum and decided “I wan’t that, I want the feeling a man gets when he achives his goal, I’m going to take up lucid dream again!” so here I am now.
Yes, I do think age effects it, when you’re younger it’s easier, but it has to do with experience, too.
A year’s experience is more than it seems, I have LD’s quite often now, if you have trouble, keep practicing, you’ll get it, most of my LD’s have been by DILD, but I’m getting better at WILD’s and I think I hit a jackpot when I came across the chaining technique, the first night I tried it, I had a LD.