Dream Catchers FAQ & How To Make Them

I, personally, doubt it.

Dream catchers sound pretty cool. I guess the idea of them breaking, and then increasing nightmares, would probably originate from someone thinking that the nightmares caught in it stay there for years. Oh well, like a firewall, make sure you program exceptions for lucidity to patch through! :smile:

I have a Dream Catcher. It’s blue :razz:

I got it a long time ago when I was having nightmares constantly. I was really young, and I remember she told me how it worked. (The good dreams come, are smart, and slip through the hole in the Dream Catcher, then slide down the feathers into your head. But the bad dreams get caught in the web and die in the sunlight.)
I didn’t believe her until she showed me the tag, but I couldn’t read back then so it didn’t matter, bu I believed her. :tongue:
Turns out I immediately stopped having nightmares.

I actually still have it hanging on my wall. :tongue: I think it still works cause I haven’t had a nightmare in a LONG LONG time.
It works similar to many other things in dreams. If you believe it, it works. If not, you’re out of luck.

i should get a dreamcatcher, if just for the novelty of it.