Dream characters

Well, last night I had a dream that I was in Willie’s Wonka Chocolate factory (scene where little blue girl becomes big Blue girl), but I recall only Johnny Depp, that girl and father of the other girl (I had fight with him over money).

Later I met bird that transformed from some kind of blue bird to eagle, I think it was my Dream / Spirit Guide, but when I started talking to it, I woke up :sad:.

But…now you’ve spoke of him… :bored:

My DCs are just random family and class people, with the odd celeb thrown in. The most random yet is this guy:
kickasspoker.com/gfx/PartyPo … kerad6.jpg
He was pregnant and his intestines were hanging out his back…

yeah,i tought about that later :tongue: ,and nothing happend.!!

There is a DC that I dreamt of once but I can’t get him of my mind, I don’t know why… It was a big bumble bee (!!) named Kleio!! :tongue:

My dream characters are always different, but they’re all tricky little gits. I conjure up my own cronies whenever I happen to have a LD.

One time Beavis and Butthead were in one of my dreams, i met them at a Arcade.

I just remembered. One dream that was actually an action dream with shooting and running had Colin Mochrie in it. He said something to me, sounded like a tip of some kind but I can’t remember what it was. He had an orange shirt on like he often has in whose line…

Evil santa claus that shoots rockets from his sled. Then when defeated a little flying saucer comes out and flies away, It looks hilarious beacuse it wobbles in the air like it’s on a string. The lost dignity was funny too.

I dreamed of the dalai lama at a time that could have been when my parents were at his appearance in italy. I found it coincidental when i woke up. They had said they would think of me. Another time he touched mý arm wich seemed to give me some sort of energy. Feels like I’ve written this before.

:uh: A recent DC in particular…I call her Mina the Enigma, and she seems like an Final Fantasy character brought to life…anyway, she said to me, “When you can fly your own plane, you can walk past people…”

Wtf :confused: