I did use it once but it didn’t work the way he described it. Well it was some time ago and it did look similar to what I designed in photoshop. Although I’m afraid that the dream clock is a faulty concept because one cannot dream let’s say 7 hours straight because of our sleep cycles which cycle repeatedly in intervals of approx 90 minutes which means that you can’t technically dream in one piece longer then approx 90 minutes which is in theory even shorter period of time.
Well if you wondered here’s my concept design of the dream clock. I still think it’s a great tool but not for controlling the time. I guess you could bet on faulty dream logic and you could expend somehow the time you stay in the dream but still that time wouldn’t be longer then actual 90 minutes from waking life. I guess it’s one of the dreams where you dreamt that you where somewhere for days and when you woke up, only few minutes passed…
So then lets say that you put in your said dreamclock [60 mins real time = 1 week dream time]. Since you’ll actually be able to dream for 60 mins straight, would you be able to be in the dream for a week?
Theoretically yes if you go by the code that in a dream everything is possible. But in the dream everything is strictly related to a dreamer. So if you are able to make yourself stay in the dream for a week then this clock will work but the clock won’t make you dream for a week you will.
BUT and this is a big BUT I think that you could fool yourself because the brain does that all the time in dreams and maybe this theory will not apply to you or someone else. Maybe it’s good to act stupid in a dream and if you are able to make/find dream clock just tell your self that you will dream for a week and see where it takes you.
Although I would start with shorter period of time. Try something easier not the whole week at the beginning.
Lol yea 1 week is too much for the beginning ^^ we should start with a hour and then 2 then a day etc… But i though about if we set up 1 week for exemple we can still wake up because someone woke us up or waking up by excitement. It can’t be perfect.
You have to keep in mind when you are dreaming for a week that means that you will have a feeling that you dreamt for a week and with faulty dream logic that is possible. You mind will fill the gaps between only few experiences that you will actually experience and by doing that you will have a feeling that you dreamt for a week or some longer time then usual!
How do you retain your sleep, i mean converting the actual real time you spend sleeping, to a time you want to spend inside of the dream environment is one thing.
But your body actually needs to be asleep for the amount of time to reach the amount of time you with to spend inside of your environment.
I tried using the dream clock, i imagine a watch appearing on my right arm, and i program the time as you suggest.
But i always wake up none the less. Because of real life disturbance (Birds kweeking) drills reaching through the walls, workers playing with fire on the roof, whatever.
Do you have like some sound-proof bedroom?
I always wake up because of those disturbances ! Annoying!
That is really ours kryptonite because REM cycle in which we dream the most becomes longer as we sleep longer but as we sleep longer we are more easily awoken. It really is something with which we need to struggle and hope that there will be no one that will wake us up…
Even though when you do woke up by that disturbance you need to train yourself to stay calm and by doing that you could achieve DEILD or chaining as it usually called. Sometimes those awakening can do wonders for us because maybe we are to lazy to do WBTB intentionally but this disturbance is actually our unintentional WBTB which we need to use to our advantage…
Chaining is really easy for me, i have mastered the WILD Technique for a few years now.
I’ve even come close to WILDing in Non-Rem (Like when i go to bed at night, i directly attempt a WILD)
Only succeeded once till now though, it is “A L O T” harder than in REM.
But its still annoying being woken up all the time.
Being able to chain 9/10 LD’s in a row is not taking that frustration away…
I get that. I really do but what can you do about it? You can live somewhere where this common now days annoyances don’t exist. But you can’t live that way your whole life… It’s something we need to cope with…
All in all, have we come to the conclusion that this dreamclock idea is possible? Or no? And this is assuming that you are asleep in your room, curtains drawn, no disturbances whatsoever. Possible or no?
Not sure if any of you are keeping up with this Dreamclock idea but I have and I’ve gotten the idea to work more than once. On one occasion, I was in a dream, became lucid, and walked into this house to my left in which there was this old man and I asked him if I could use his computer and he said sure and pointed me to a room to the right. I proceeded to walk in and use his computer (which by the way happened to be a huge clunker with a black and green screen) and typed in my conversion. I planned on trying out a day in the dream to see what would happen. So long story short that dream went on for what seemed to be a day to me, a day in lucid dreamland and it was wonderful. Granted that experience wasn’t the first go at the Dreamclock, I’ve had a bunch of trial runs before that first one that didn’t work or I woke up from something. I’ve used the Dreamclock 3 times now, with the third time being 2 days in dreamland. Pretty fun times I must say. Curious if anyone has dabbled with it at all?
As far as WritersCube’s account of inputting 7 hours real time, I’m calling BS. I KNOW that one can barely dream for longer than 60mins at one time, let alone 7 hours. I did actually message WritersCube a couple of years ago and ask him specifically about this, but got no reply.
To whoever asked, if you input 1 year real time, nothing would happen. You can’t program your brain to sleep for one year solid, you just can’t.
To those asking how it works, it is very subjective (like with pretty much every other area of dreaming). It doesn’t matter how it worked, or looked, or smelled, or whatever to anyone else. Its basically just a symbolic way of telling your subconscious that you want to feel like X hours/days/years has passed when you wake up.
Last thing, in terms of the actual “time conversion” or whatever, what will most likely happen is you will only FEEL like you spent X hours/days/years in the dream. If you were to try and account for each second of that, it wouldn’t hold up. I am extremely sceptical that you can program your brain to experience seconds differently than in the real world.
Stephen LaBerge even tested how time passes in a dream, and he found that him counting the seconds while asleep and awake pretty much matched up 1:1.
LaBerge has also experienced a 100 year dream (could have been 100 days, can’t quite remember) but he said that 100 years didn’t actually pass in his mind. He likened it to a film technique, where you see actors fall asleep and then wake up the next morning. It feels like we watched the actors throughout the night, when in actuality it was only a few seconds on-screen. I imagine it would work like this.