Dream "Guatemalan Worry Dolls"

This is an interesting idea and I’ve got loads of little knick knacks lying around my room that I could substitute for these. My little Buddha collection springs to mind, though I’d have to remember what ones mean what to decide on the best one. Also there is the fear of me invoking some cosmic vengeance for reducing a great religious ruler to a dream aid :confused:
There’s always my See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak no Evil monkeys as well.
Maybe I’ll try it

My sister has a whole purse of those (Worry Dolls) somewhere. I might try this (since I don’t have much better to do).

Hey I used to have those! lol. I used to worry about stupid, useless stuff to the point of where it was a problem. And I was in…only second grade. I used to constantly worry about my dolls hair getting messed up, crazy things like that. So my mom got me the worry dolls. And like everything else…I eventually lost them. :tongue:

I didn’t get any success from them…I was like, “mom, you wan’t me to tell my worries to dolls? What are you on?” J/k. But i was too little to understand. they remeinded me of witchcraft, so they kinda scared me. I think that praying about you ‘worries’ does the job too, just getting them out and telling someone…my opinion.

I’ve seen those worry dolls. Not too many people use them. I think they’re the same as dreamcatchers and the Something For God To Do box.

I used to tell my son that his pillow was a VCR (now DVD) player and that when woke in the night from a bad dream that he needed to change the movie by flipping his pillow over so that it would fall out into the air.

I once had a dream with my dead grandmother. She was sobbing and hugging me tightly. I realized immeadiatly that I must be dreaming. She told me I needed to come with her to see something extremely important (looking back I realize she said it in another language). I choked out “no.” My feet were being bound to the gorund by strong vines and I had no desire to agree with the dead. She became some kind of black dragon demon and hissed “Die beastly maggot!” and snapped at my neck. I fell to the ground still alive and watched as my beheaded body was engulfed by the roots of nature and thrown underground. I saw demons with scythes inching toward my head and slicing it while I (or what was left of my head) was yanked underground by the evil white vines. Once I was under I saw headless bodies being tortured by Satan’s minions, they were whipped and branded with evil marks. I saw my body being dragged off and heard a triumphant roar from the dragon beast.

That was the most emotional thing I have ever had happen to me. I have never shared this with anyone so you guys are the first to know! Sshh! Secret!

EDIT: I get disturbing dreams like this very often which is why I don’t have a public DJ. :shy:

I used to make tons of worry dolls with my sister when I was a kid but never used them :sad: … but wow…DreamAddict that is an awesome story :rofl::tongue:

Hey I saw an old batman episode (animated) years ago that had those worry dolls in them. The bad witch doctor gave them out to gotham’s elite and they had these mind control chips hidden in them that controlled the owners in their sleep…ok I’m done lol. :hide: