Dream in a dream


faaar, far away… :smile:
One day I was feeling very tired and while I was listening to some music I fell asleep (it was in afternoon, about 3pm). I think I did wild somehow but without really desiring it. It was just automatical, because I wanted to fall asleep, but music made me feel concerated.

Then I was again in my room trying to fall asleep. It was FA but I didn’t realize it. And in that dream I wanted to do WILD and I did it :wink: And I experienced strange state dreamming in a dream.

I knew that it was a FA (ofc after it, when I wake up) because I was trying to make WILD not in bed I firstly went asleep :wink:

complicated story, hope you guys understand.

have you ever experienced such state? :wink:

I have! :smile: I love those. I mean, not so much when I had goals and plans for things in LD’s. Back then, it was a frustrating distraction. Now I just find it amusing.

I just had one, a few days ago. It’s in my DJ. I managed to become lucid because of it, and was very rewarding!

duhh… Basically RL is actually a dream and that dreamer is actually in a dream and the dreamer of that dream is also dreamer, etc.

Nah, but yeah, I’ve experienced alot of dream inside dream incidents when I tried to overdo my WILD attempts a while back. I would basically wake up in a dream and be like “Oh right I was trying to WILD” and then fall into the next layer of dream.