Dream recall problems when practising a method

Hmm, it really depends on if you had good dream recall before you started doing MILD and WILD, but I think that if the techs are making your DR worse, you shouldn’t do them. I never do MILD or WILD to improve my DR (they’re not meant for dream recall, they’re meant to induce lucid dreams).

The thing that works the best for me is to just focus on the first thing I think/feel in the morning, as soon as I wake up. Even if I wake up not remembering my dreams, I always try to find “keywords” or “keyfeelings”… you know, just try thinking of some random words and see if they feel familiar. If you get one word, it might open up your memory and you might suddenly remember the rest of your dream.
The trick is not to think about it too much. If you start thinking about it obsessively, you’ll forget even more. Just let it come to you.

You can also check out this topic (if you haven’t already), the big remembering dreams topic https://community.ld4all.com/t/the-big-remembering-dreams-topic-part-iii/13843

Dream on. // Olesia