dream relationships w/ unexpected people

I have dreamed to be a girl and have a girl go down on me. I have seen a dream where I was doing “it” with another male. I have seen dreams where I have been a girl and did with another male. And ofcourse I have seen dreams where I was a male and did it with a girl (thank god) :content:

And jesus, even a dream where I was transexual and did it with a male and a female.

Dreams are weird… Dunno what to think

Yes. With my best friend.

Many things have been said against Freud and by people with more credentials than New Agers. Well, he left himself open to that. His were the views of his day. I wouldn’t say that he was unscientific so much as he was just wrong about a lot of things. He attempted to apply a sort of scientific theory to what he did. I think that Jung was more on track.

Eoghan :devil:

Well, I did have a dream relationship where the love was true–but there was an 11-year age difference :bored:

At least I know it’s not me…there’s only a two year age difference…

[size=75]A time will come for you…a time will come…[/size] :content:


I think Frued is just wrong. About most things, l ike inner desires and he’s just strange. In my opinion. I also think that just becuase you dream about something like say like your gay doesn’t mean you have an inner desire to be that way. I had dreams like that before and when I woke up I was like what the beep? I think he was more like a physciatrist. And most of those people are again strange and they don’t always tell the truth and no I’m not gay. I’m straight and I don’t ever think of being gay or anything like that. It was just weird.

Well, I was lucid when I had my dream. I was like, “ah, what the hell!” and just went along with it.

I think they’re amusing :rofl:

Actually I was lucid when I was a girl and made another girl go down on me. So umm… what ever, it was really great ^^

I’ve had dreams with my ex-husband, and two close guy friends of mine. I also had a lesbian experience once too.

That was about as shocking to me as I could think of.

This is kinda awkward so just…it was a dream where I was in a serious relationship with someone on the forum…


:eek: :bored: I haven’t posted it in my DJ–lazy, ya know–I will, though–but, man–it was a weird and very unexpected dream…:eh:

What is that :moogle: doing in there? Is it an hint? :unk:

A HUGE hint… :wink:

How dare you betray me like that, Huey!!

Moogle and Huey! :shock:

/me laughs so hard he can hardly breath :rofl:

Yesterday I kissed the most random person in a dream. And I forgot to comment about that to Q, stupid me. (No, it wasn’t her, or anyone from this forum for that matter, but— Well, Q has the referent.)

This may not count as a dream relationship, but once, in a dream, I went to school, and when I got there there was a big wedding in the cafeteria.
All the lights were off and the whole place was lit by candles.
Everyone was there, waiting for me.
They all thought that I was marrying some guy I used to know a few years ago.
He walked up to me and held out his hand.
I screamed and ran away. :tongue:

I’m with you on that man. :lol:

Grr…besides the normal embarassing people (distant relatives :eh: ) I would say classmates who are friends or friendly…

:content: Well–I’m going to post it so you guys can see what it’s about…:wink:

I still don’t see why you find it hilarious…:smile: