Dream Telepathy

Hey guys,

New to LD4all but not to lucid dreaming. Has anyone communicated with people in their dreams? How do you know if you and the other person are sharing a dream or if you are just dreaming about them? I’ve lucid dreamed of talking to my friends but so far non of them remember me from their dreams. Is it possible that we are actually sharing a dream but they just don’t remember it when they wake up?

Long answer: No one has in a confirmed manner ever influenced the outside world. Never.
Some of the more spiritual people around here seem to think it’s up to you whether or not to believe in this.
You’re lucky Paulius is not the one answering, his scientific rants against the more dubious stuff are amazing :smile:. He lists every communication-focused part of the brain and say why there can’t be an Internet of brains.
As to whether or not they wouldn’t remember it… many people around here with very good recall paired up and attempted, so it’s statistically probable that the majority would.
Short answer : No.

Also, it is my honor to, as per standard protocol, say “Welcome to LD4all!”.


What about the Crossroads for example? People say they’ve signed the book there and anyone can go and see it…
What do you mean no one has ever influenced the outside world? People say they can practice skills in dreams or over come fears. Lots of dream telepathy experiments have been done. They are easy to “cheat” by the participants but you don’t think it is possible?

Also: jestes z polski? :tongue:

Well since you’re asking I presume you believe it to an extent so let’s run with the idea it is possible, if not then the rest of this post is pointless. But I do stress, as CamelCase said, nothing has ever being scientifically proven, so this would be proving it to yourself if it works, not the whole world.

A way to ‘prove’ that it is possible is to do a phrase test. Have a friend who also lucid dream’s think of a phrase and agree on a place to meet in your dreams, then (presuming that works) have them tell you a phrase that has nothing to do with anything you’d ever think about and therefore never guess. You can then tell them what the phrase was and they confirm it.

I’ve also heard a few people say that you can tell if somebody is just a DC in your dreams by looking at their aura. I don’t know wether or not anybody here can vouch for the success of that, especially since shared dreaming (Dream Telepathy as you know it) is exceedingly rare. Even so looking at the aura might be a good idea if you think it’ll work.

Also as far as you talking to your friends in LDs goes I think that they were DCs, it seems highly unlikely they’d be there without effort from you and from them. And as far as remembering the experience goes i’d suggest that if you do try either of the ‘tests’ I listed above that you both have good recall first, it’d be rather useless to do it and then forget about it when you wake up.

EDIT: Just noticed one of your above posts and thought you may be interested to know that I do believe Dream Telepathy is possible and do plan to give it a try myself (when I get lucid dreams on a regular basis). And i’m not too sure but I think you’re right about training skills and things in lucid dreams, i’ve obviously never tried it but the idea stands to reason.

By “outside world” I meant you can’t move a real-life object or spy on people.
EDIT: I also think that the Crossroads are a placebo effect.
People will read that a John Smith signed the book in his dream, so if they imagine the Crossroads in a dream, they’ll probably believe in John Smith too.

Here’s a thread I began a few months ago about an informal dream telepathy experiment:

ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t … highlight=

Here’s also a link to a more formal dream telpathy experiment, which took place at an international conference in 2011:


Over thirty years ago, a book called Dream Telepathy was also published, in which Robert Van De Castle (the owner of the above website) took place. The results were not, perhaps, definitive, but they’re worth a read. The results are very interesting.

The latest issue of Lucid Dreaming Experience also discusses a dream telepathy experiment which happened in 2012:


The target in the above-mentioned test was a painting by Vermeer. This was the winning participant’s dream report:

did the sender send the word while awake or asleep? while the other ppl were awake or asleep? did u guys go to sleep at the same time? what do u think when ur sending a word?

@jwnnmn: I assume you’re asking about the informal experiment I did with my friends.

In our experiment, the Sender sent the word as many times as possible during the night. When I was Sender, I would get into a light trance state before sleep and send the word out for 10 minutes or so. When I awakened during the night, I would try to do the same as I fell back asleep. As it happened, I never became lucid on a Sender night—only on Receiver nights—so I never sent my word in an LD.

We didn’t set a bed time, or wake time, but we all had roughly the same work schedule and slept during the same hours (~11pm to ~7am). We tried, insofar as possible to put a timestamp on our dreams.

I don’t know, though, that syncing timewise is ultra-important. That is, I have no idea if it is or not. From a linear, physical point of view, it seems crucial. All I know is that, in 12 weeks, we had one direct hit—in which the word I sent appeared in my friend’s dream report three times, and in a conspicuous context.

In the other experiments I linked to, there weren’t any senders per se. There were just target images, but still the dreamers were arguably successful.