Dream Time

Anybody know if like in inception, dream time is like slower or something? or is it just real life time in the dream world?

Well, no one I know here has ever had a Dream as long as Inception ones, but yes, dream time is slower than real life time. It is said that humans have on average 100 dreams per night, we only remember a few. I think my longest has been a day long dream, which was pretty awesome. :tongue:

Check out WritersCube DJ. He has a technique that lets him spend weeks & months in his dreams.

I belive that dream time is just like RL time. The difference is when you’re dreaming, you’re in a very suggestionable (did I wrote it right?) state, and if you firmlly belive and work towards extending your dream, it will last long. As long as you want.

Eduar, do you then mean to say that dreaming a weeks time means that in real life time a week has passed?

No, I mean a week passed inside the dream. In his dream, the illusion was that time lasted one week, whe you only slept for 8 hous, for example.

I must disagree (nothing against your experience) :content: . My experience: I can stay in a dream as long as i wish and time is VERY realistic there. I must even disprove the “Film scene” theory 'cause my dreams are sequential (right word eh?) in detail like or i can say SAME like in WL. So to answer question of Mr. Pudding - Yes Time is slower and can be, with little training, as long as you wish.

Ahh, I’ve had quite a bit of experience with this myself. For the most part, dream time is just like real time. However, YOU can alter the flow of dream time when you become luciid, like WritersCube stretching eight hours into two months. He’s done interesting experiments with this as well. He’ll go to sleep listening to music sometimes and when he leaves the dreamtime alone, in his dream he’ll be able to hear the music and it’ll be going at a normal pace. When he extends the dreamtime however, he says the music becomes, “slow and warped beyond recognition” or something along those lines. Hope I could be of assistance.

Eh…to make it clear… What exactly do you mean by this? Just to confirm, if you talk about same thing… :content:

I mean that dream time passes just like in real time. If you start dreaming at about 7:04 in the morning, when it gets to be 7:05 in real time a minute will have passed in dream time as well in most cases.

lets say you do live out a week in dream time. does that mean you feel every minute every hour of everyday in the dream?? For instance an hour from now is ganna be quite a while and i could do a lot in that time a day from now is even further away but a week is a long time away from my view. In the dream will you live out every single minute?

Well, a lot of times, remembering the past in dreams is FM, so you might feel like you’ve been in the dream for a week, but really the dream time is skipping around and the spaces you missed were filled in by FM. That’s what it is for ND’s anyway. In an LD, I’d pretty much say, yeah, you’d live out every second, and that does seem like it would be a very long period of consciousness. I remember reading one of Writerscube’s dreams that was either two weeks or two months long (I can’t remember) and at night in the dream while everyone in the dream was sleeping he’d just fly around the city or drink tea. I guess if you really wanted to, in periods of local inactivity, at a dream time that would relate to a real time when you would be asleep you could just speed up the dream time until it was morning again.

Actually, I think it varies. Haven’t you ever left the TV on when you go to sleep, or the radio, or something? Sometimes when I do that I dream of whatever’s on and I hear it word for word coming from RL.

From your posts i t seems you mean:
ND - Dream Time = Real Time
LD - Dream Time = Real Time, Dream time ≠ Real Time - if you wish
Do i understand correctly?

You understand correctly.

Dream time has been researched by S. LaBerge. He tested it by asking lucid dreamers to signal when they become lucid using eye movements. Then dreamers should count 10 seconds and signal again. The results showed, that dream time is in fact almost the same as waking life time.

I’ve tryed to mess with time once or twice. Don’t know if it worked, I just kinda shouted “I want 3 more hours!” Or something like that XD. But the dream definitely felt longer that an hour. I heard that dreams last an hour, soo…

But that doesnt prove anything. Its possible that they perception of time was affected (unintentionally) to corespond to the “real time” (time is relative) by that experiment! BTW experiences are more than experiments.

…And remember the faster you travel, the slower time moves…

                                                              "Time is an illusion." - Albert Einstein  :content:


I am a little bit confused and would like to ask a few questions :smile:

If i had a 1 week long LD through 8 hours RL sleep, does the LD feel like the same length as 1 week RL?

If so, will i be tired in my LD?



YES, you WILL actually spend one week in LD. And it can be even in 5 minutes of “real” time. :content:

That depends…why tired? Like you mean you will not sleep in dream? Probably you will sleep even in your dream, if you want to live there some life. Or you can just create some experiences, without long continuous living…like jump from one dream into another. But even in dream-life you dont must sleep, because in LD you know, that its Maya hence you don’t must be tired, you can have unlimited energy - if you want.