Dream 'Treasure' Hunt: baby šŸš¼

it has been a while. donā€™t think I have ever had a crayon in a dream.

If we are still looking, finally drew with a crayon! It was tough, I tried incubating that for weeks and never remembered. https://community.ld4all.com/t/surrealistic-dreams/75585/23?u=surrealistic

Is instrument too general an item to hunt for? Stringed instrument maybe?


I think both can work. Letā€™s try stringed instrument first and if nobody finds one, we can loosen the scope a little.

Got it!
Had mused to myself when I saw this if a piano would qualify as a stringed instrument, since thatā€™s the most common instrument in my dreams, but had my fiddle in my ND, which is certainly a stringed instrument.

Didnā€™t have many other objects in my dream and sheet music seems a bit difficult, so for the next object how about a phone? :tongue:


I was using my phone in my dream last night. I wouldā€™ve thought phones would show up in dreams much more often!
ā€œHighway and Seashore.ā€ January 09, 2021

How about a camera for the next one? :camera:


Got it! Waterfall next!


visual aid and bump :slight_smile:

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Found a waterfall! Actually over a week ago but I thought it would be a new treasure by now.


Next a bird?


Iā€™m feeling like bumping this one because I already forgot what the treasure was :joy:

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i got sea gulls in a dream. will choose my most dreamt about thing toilet / restroom

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Instead of dreaming about a toilet I dreamt about some people not using a toilet when they should have (gross) :angry:
And I thought the toilet treasure would be a piece of cake.

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if it was my dream I would consider I had been successful. so choost the next treasure :yay:

read all of topic up to today. if I did not reply or love a successful found treasure, I was unwell at the time. Iā€™m really sorry for that

There really was no toilet, there was only yuck :yuck:
I think we can all try again for the toilet. It will be over quick anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m sliding in for the steal on this one, haha. I had this dream after seeing the treasure hunt change, but didnā€™t get around to posting it until now. I actually had a toilet in my NLD last night too, although the recall is rather fuzzy.

Nextā€¦A Train!


You most definitely succeeded in stealing the toilet. A train also seems very doable for me :fist:

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Ha, doable indeed!

Just tonight I had an A-Team style dream where a group of good guys was chasing a group of bad guys (who stole a newborn baby?) onto a train where they had some action loaded shootout.

Now your next task is to get that baby back! :baby_symbol:



just checking if baby is coming, going, or being cared for lol

bump, itā€™s been a month :clock10:

Still looking for little cutiepie :open_mouth: I dreamt about a baby by now but I donā€™t want to claim my own treasure of course. Can somebody else come and get it?