Dreaming in black and white?

I’ve always wondered, where’d people get the idea that we dream in black and white? I don’t recall ever having a B&W dream.

Can this be releated to what language you dream ? For exampel, if you live in sweden you dream in swedish but if you move to england and after some years you start to dream in english etc?

I dream most in black and white but also in colours…so both are 4 real!
The first thing i tried when i started with lucid dreaming was focussing at the place of my third eye chakra to waken me up from my dream.
I choose that spot from instinct. It works great to wake up from a dream. But i tried like many many times in my dreams and one thing was interesting. From a colour dream it took me never longer then 1 sec to wake up from my dream. From all black/white dreams it takes me at least 4 or 5 sec to wake up from. I cant do it faster. So most logic is its in another sleep level. They already proved ppl also dream in nonrem sleep but they Have way more problems to remember there dream then ppl woken from rem sleep. i have the same with my black/white dreams, its way easier to remember all info from a colour dream then from a black and white dream…in colour dreams i also have more control when i am lucid then in a black and white dream.
so i say that colour dreams are happening in rem sleep and black and white dreams are happening in nonrem sleep.


Jeff, that’s an interesting point of view and I actually have to agree. Now I want to enter another B/W dream… I haven’t had this forever! :happy:


Often when I dream, I dream in a monochromatic scale, like only shades of red or only shades of yellow. Other times I get colour, and when I do it’s VERY vivid. I should look into this more.

Hmm, I dream in color but the colors are very dull, sorta like someone has taken a black and white movie from the 30’s and attempted to make it look like it’s color with those crappy shading things they do, like in To Kill A Mockingbird. Oh well.

Well when I was a child I seem to recall I would dream in black and white or very washed out colours, prehaps with the odd colourful aspect like a splash of sunlight or a random coloured object. My dreams slowly became more colorful in my late teens. My lucid dreams have been very vivid and some scenes brighter than real life.

Maybe people form the 40s and 50s dreamed in black and white because they did not have colored tvs, i mean maybe since tv is a big part of our lives and captavates us with the art and ideas that it just plays a big part in other parts of our mind.

I’ve never dreamt in black and white. I sometimes remember colours in dreams quite vividly.

Well when i take a nap at midday then my dreams are mostly in colour.
While at night they are almost always black and white.


Hello there! I’m new to the boards. I’ve always dreamt in black & white and color. It just depends on the dream. The colors are basically like real life, usually not like technicolor.

my dad dreams in black and white alot, it maybe of interest to know he is also red/green colour blind.

I myself do not remember any dream in black and white and i had a b/w tv since i was 3-9yrs.

I found it interesting. I’m starting to dream in black and white more frequently. I also noticed that with black and white LD’s, I had less control. It could be just me who like to practice trance techinques, but I have noticed that as I become older, I started to dream in colors less and less and more black and white dreams. I also found that black and white dreams are more vivid to me, but yet… less vivid tactile sensations.

Prehaps you find that a same thing? When I was a kid… I never dreamt in black and white color except in two cases, but it was more symbolic than just a cause. So, I’m thinking that as you get older, you spend more time in non-REM cycle so therefore you dream in black and white color (non-REM dreams). I see that I had an old post in here saying that I rarely have black and white dreams, but now things changed a lot. I’d say I have both of them on average now. I got lucid in black and white dreams… seemly more frequently rather than in my color dreams.

Also I get them more often especially if I practice trancing techniques (meditation) before I go to bed. Or when I WILD on force. I found it so interesting that I had no control over black and white dreams when I’m lucid like I do in color dreams so I find myself wanting to explore in that state more and more. I guess I’ll get more of that soon. :smile: I surely will let you know how it goes. :happy:

Good luck on dreaming!

i read some where that ppl who dream in color actully leave their bodies when they sleep, and those who dream in black and white do not. this article it read also suggested that ppl who dreamed in color might have the ability to ‘invade’ another persons dream.

not like SD’s mind you. this would be like OBEing the entering the body of another person while they slept and meeting them in their except in this state you would have no power own the dreamscape because its not your dream.

the article even implied that if you died in this state, you would really die IRL… :eek:

:confused: that article sounds really stupid :happy: lol . dunno if that’s true i sure do leave my body alot . as for the death part… you wanna test it?

If this article is true. I’d be dead a long time ago already. Death was a very common dreamsign for me in my colored dreams and yet I’m still alive, typing here and still am singing my music (life) out. :smile: Nevertheless, this article is, indeed, interesting.

I don’t believe that we actually “OBE” while we dream. I do believe that we do dream in non-REM stage too… not just in REM stage. In non-REM stage, I often dream of colorless dreams. So it often explains why I always wake up faster from non-REM dreams than I do with REM stage.

Do you really think we can die in our dreams? Imagine if that was true. I don’t think we will have anyone alive here anymore. :tongue: That wouldn’t be a very good news, don’t you agree?

oh, no no no no.
dont get me wrong i think the article is a big flaming pile of bullshit and i know you cant die in your dreams…but.

as a point of clearification. the article wasnt saying you could die in you own dreams, it was saying that if you were ivanding someone elses and ,lets say, they killed you for butting in on their dream. the theory is that you would since you not really dreaming, your OBEing.

i dunno. cant tell left from right on this part of the article since i’ve never left my body and enter someone elses dream before…whatever…

i posted this in the other thread. but yes i believe in rare possibilities it could be possible. My reason is simple, it is possible to become so scared that you litterally die from fear (a heart attack) - if you was to have a dream where you had absolutely no idea you are dreaming then i think it could be possible to be scared enough that your heart stops beating.

– as for that article i guess i leave my body EVERY night lol.

well if they killed your dream body , or sprit or whatever. you still wouldn’t actually die. you would go into a coma or somthing . right>? lol :tongue:

Kurt_Zenan: I’m not intending to compress your opinion at all. I was just commenting my opinion. That’s all. My apologizes for any offenses I have done. I didn’t mean to.

By the way, for me, SD’s are possible because of pyschic links that we have, not because the ability that we have to OBE. :smile: