Dreaming in black and white?

When I was a child, my parents TV was B&W and I had had dreams in B&W. Now, I dream in color.

I agree. Before I read this article, I was already pretty sure that dreams in B&W in 60’s and later were because of old B&W TVs and movies.

up until i was 11 my TV in my room was black and white. I don’t remember having any dreams in black and white however.

My father on the other hand has never had a dream in colour that he can remember.

Milod: Are you sure that this was in NREM sleep? IMO its just that the time is going VERY fast when you are conscious in NREM…
or IF you were dreaming in NREM, maybe you just remember them in Black and White… :wink:

Im just comming up with suggestions here

Yes nrem dreams are in black and white and i finally figured out why excactly that is the case!

like with all things its quite simple.
In rem sleep our neurotransmittor acetylcholine becomes extremely active.
And serotonin is blocked then.
In non rem sleep thats visa versa and acetylcholine is a memory transmittor. A full colour memory image is not possible in nonrem sleep because your memory transmittor is less active then in rem sleep.

Yes i had an eeg machine and i did many experiments and nrem sleep dreams are in black and white and all rem sleep dreams were always in colour.
I did tests like in a black and white dream wake myself and then look what the eeg machine had recorded and that showed with black and white always a nrem recording. The same done at a colour dream always was recorded as rem sleep.
But now i understand its the transsition of neurotransmittors that are different in nrem and rem sleep that do the trick for colour dreams or black and white dreams, witch is quite logic also.


I am not sure they were in NREM sleep at all. I was saying that the dreams I was having should have ( theoretically ) been in NREM and were in color.