Dreaming of murder?

Do many of you have dreams that involve murder? It seems that many of my dreams revolve around me (or someone else) either killing or seriously harming someone. I have been ‘practicing’ lucid dreaming for a few weeks. The other night was the first time I had a lucid experience. It wasn’t much, but the first thing I noticed was someone about to hit me with a hammer. I fought him and pulled it from his hands, then proceeded to bash his skull in with it. I woke up frightened to death. I scared me that I could do it.

Has anyone else had similar experience? Many times I wake up after dreaming with this odd urge. I may not remember the dream itself, but I am inexlpicably angry. It’s like when someone is really ticking you off and you have to restrain yourself from punching them in the face, except 1000x worst…

I’m an extremely nonviolent person IRL, and my dreams seem to reflect that. I’ve hardly ever had any dreams of violence. The only one I remember right now was one where some guy was shooting another guy with arrows. He shot him in the head, and the arrow went through his head and pinned him to the ground without actually killing him. He then proceeded to fire bunches of three arrows into the bottoms of the guy’s feet, and I woke up very disturbed. I know it doesn’t really sound too bad the way I’ve written it here, I’m trying to simplify it, but it was really intense. Very out of the ordinary for me.

to answer your question, yes. my first lucid dream in a long time involved me trying to murder people.

i became lucid in an elevator. i imagined a backpack on my back and reached my hand in and thought what i wanted to pull out. i pulled out a gun. i went up the elevator holding the gun, feeling the weight of it. it felt exactly the same as one of my mates .45’s. i dropped the clip out to see if there were bullets in it. there was. i inserted it and pulled back the slide bringing a bullet to chamber.

out of the elevator and around the corner was an office type board meeting going on. i walked through the door and started aiming at peoples heads and shooting. the gun did nothing except a click sound that you might experience trying to fire a gun with no bullets in it. this just kept on happening. so instead i just grabbed the hottest girl in the room and had sex with her on the floor, but she turned into a pile of clothes and i realised i was having sex with a pile of clothes.

then i woke up.

that is just an example. i have had other dreams of stabbing people and more recently i have been having nightly dreams of fighting people with my fists.

i do not know what they mean, or if it is a bad thing to have dreams of this nature. you were attacked with a hammer? everytime i have a dream like this i am relatively unprovoked.

I have no problem adrmitting that sometimes I like to go on a killing spree when lucid. Just walk around with a big gun shooting people in the head.

It’s always cool to mess with DC’s.
It’s only a dream, you know…

I hate asking newb-ish questions, but what is a DC?

I think the reason that I was so frightened by this was the fact that I really got into it. It wasn’t like a video game where you are just shooting people as you go. I got really into killing him. It was like a huge tension release.

Oh well… I was just really creeped out.

A DC is a dream character… someone who appears in your dream. If you hover your mouse over abbreviations which are underlined with dashes, you get a little rectangle popping up telling you what it means :boogie:

I’ve had a couple of those dreams, however in my dreams I always kill out of self defense. Like I will be fighting someone or trying to save somebody who is being attacked and things always escalate to the point where lethal force is necessary to survive. Which reminds me…In my last LD I fought someone who I thought was my friend, and I killed him. Hope it wasn’t my SG lol. oops. :uh:

killing your sg? lol nice one. the first, or first of my recent lucid dreams was where i got into a fight with some big football player sized guy, and i didnt fight him to be evil or anything i just did it because the thought of having a swordfight with baseball bats seemed like fun at the time

This has nothing to do with the discussion, but rad, I love your signature, your pic, and headliner! LOL!

Hard to interprete with little details but in general such dreams are not exclusive to violent or actually any specific group of people.We all have both -what we understand as good and bad.Theres no first without the other- my guess is that such dreams help us understand our nature as a whole(through it understand others) and it works towards acceptation.
Theres also interesting article in Theory Of Lucidity section about relations between our acts towards DCs and waking life quality.

The bottem part of your message I had not experianced but the top part I always experiance. Somoene is always chasing after me in my dreams and I’m always running away from that person. I climb or fences and whatever it takes for me to get away from that person. I do suceed but yeah I’m always running away from them. It’s really scarey when your sleeping and when your awake you don’t think it’s really all that scarey. I’ve been known to check the house and make sure no one is in here and when my mind is familiar with my surroundings I ask “Why don’t I face my enemies?” I always forget and it get’s really annoying. I’ve never actually tried to attack someone back but when I realized I was dreaming in a Matrix scene I trampled those Agents with a gun and continously started shooting them over and over, and the gun never ran out of bullets. I’m not sure about attacking them in a non LD being normal but yeah being chased after is normal. (Sorry I had to re edit my post)

:eek: :bored: :unsure: :crazy:

MAN I HATE NIGHTMARES! Somehow, I manage to get sucked or pulled to the bad guy and wake up freaked out, though :cry: :content: . This doesn’t happen all that often, but when it does, it’s VERY intense. They’re the kind of dreams that you are MORE than happy to wake up from! I just saw The Shining yesterday(FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER)…THANK GOD I didn’t have a nightmare…I might possibly have one soon here, most likely not! :cheer: Better check on that “how to get rid 'o nightmares” in EWLD!

Jaclyn/LDGirl :mrgreen_hat:

Yeah exactly. :smile:

Nightmares suck. I had an unpleasant dream last night, not nightmarish but those ugly dreams always make me awake in a strange mood. It’s like the dream-mood follows me into the day. Then it can be hard to shake off the lousy feeling it gives you.

I have had violent dreams towards people…I don’t mind these at all if it’s someone I really dislike, rather fun and it blows off steam, lol :wink: Sort of like a video game. But violent dreams towards someone or something I do like disturbs me. I’m glad I rarely get those. I think all types of dreams are “normal”…they’re just our subconscious letting itself ramble and throw out the garbage.

I think all types of dreams are “normal”…they’re just our subconscious letting itself ramble and throw out the garbage

I always believed they were subconsiouse thoughts but I never thought about it in that way, throwing out the garbage , that makes alot of sence. :smile:

This is always an interesting topic.

There’s another that was started before about the same thing.

I think dreams help us work through things…give us an outlet for things we couldn’t or shouldn’t do IRL. Then when we wake up we’re somewhat cleansed and ready for a new day :content: