[color=indigo]1.) For how long do you sleep for, on adverage? 8 hours
2.) Which Lucid inducing/initiating/incubating method do you use? sometimes WILD
3.) Do you ever use WBTB, if so, how often? more then not, it helps a lot
4.) What was your atidude towards lucid dreaming, before you started to LD? Is it stupid? Is
it a great idea. Is it disbelief? Sounded like something one of my crackhead friends would think of, so i guess disbelief
5.) How much effort do you put into lucid dreaming? (Out of 10) when I get around to going to bed it’s always a 10 effort.
6.) What is your gender? last time i checked, male
7.) What age group are you in?
11-18 this one
8.) Where you open to more disbeliefable things (that could inlude LD), or did you think
that such things are fiction? Anythings possible
9.) Do you beleiving other dreaming related, like shared dreaming, astrual projection etc? now I do
10.) Are you willing to try other dreaming realted out? yeah
11.) Do you work to seek inerpeace, enlightenment or any thing simular? of course
12.) Out of 10, how spirtual are you? if you mean religion 0, if you just mean spiritual then 7
13.) How spiritual where you before trying LD 6
14.) If a person said there was another way to get Lucid Dreams at will, how ready would you
be to belive them. I would believe when it happened for me, I wouldn’t hesitate to hear them out though.
15.) How tierd do you feel, and how quick do you get tierd? I’m tired when I wake up, after an hour I’m wide awake, I don’t get very tired again till really late usually i go to bed before then.
16.) Do you take in a lot of caffine? yes, soda and coffee and such.
17.) Do you take in caffine before bed? sometimes i don’t realize or think about it and drink a coke or pepsi and then go to bed
18.) Do you use other chemicals to help with lucid dreaming? If so, what? yes, no comment
19.) How religous are you? i’m not, religion is a false sense of hope that some people need to be content with life. I don’t find anything wrong with it, it’s just not for me.
20.) Do you have any disabilities that effect the way you see the world? (i.e being death) No I don’t think so
21.) Do you beleive in choice, freedom and equality? State which ones you do and dont) if we don’t have those three things, do we really have anything? I think all of those should be for everyone
22.) Are you scientific, or spiritual (or just borring)? a little of both
23.) Are you patient or impatient? changes on occasion, usually quite patient
24.) Are you sane? (From what other people have told you) I would say so, but it could be argued.
25.) Are you superstitious? somewhat, but it might just be obsessive compulsive
26.) Do you think placebo effect (For example, throw stones at your neighbors and you will
get an ld, not recommened btw)? believe in it? yes I do.
27.) How motivated where you to get LD? very
28.) Does drinking tea have serious effects (ie. can’t get to sleep), or nothing? woulnd’t know I don’t drink that much tea
29.) Time for a logic test:
Expand the brackets (Don’t have to do these if you dont like them)
Factorise these equations (ie, turn them into brackets)
No idea what those are
30.) How many methods have you atempted to reach an LD? WILD, WBTB, and VILD.[/color]