nightowl, I really do want to quickly put this behind us … the mood is just awful, and sick, like I’m gonna make myself grow a tumor. or some stomach ulcer if I keep talking about it … but I know it needs answered, so I’ll try to summarize from my perspective:
Hargrat posted his HILD technique at DV including a link back to LD4all where his initial thread of the technique originates. It was recently discovered that link was disabled, “disabled URL”
So over the course of a few weeks, people have witnessed Hargrat’s URL go
ld4all /forum/viewtopic.php?t=7446
One witness was DM7 and she posted a reply questioning why LD4all’s link was disabled, and included a proper link.
After icedawg made his post here on LD4all he deleted her reply to HILD, the “edited URL” was “re-edited”, and icedawg sent her a simple PM apologizing because he deleted her post.
Many people thought this was unfair LD4all links were disabled at all, and worth mentioning. Some people felt there was some type of “LD4all boycott” after refusals to add LD4all to DVs “List of useful Links” Some mods there use “LD4all” in punchlines as insults against us, and some mods that visit here are hard to trust now because of past experiences with some stray flaming “guest” post in our test forum. It’s too draining to deal with the drama. DV is a great forum and should be confident enough to leave links to ld4all and still keep growing at their impressive rate.
As a long time online lucid dreamer and LD4all member I feel a slap in the face reading a paradigm of another LD site saying “We are not like other lucid dreaming sites … Rhetorically, we attempt to extricate lucid dreaming from the ensnaring darkness of ignorance.”
This is easily overlooked, but combined with how LD4all seems singled out against at DV we feel like an enemy … and we feel spoke out against on the front page … and we seem to get an unusual amount of “DV fans” coming here to insult us to our face.
I feel there is a silent promotion that instigates this and I’m only speaking out against it to make it stop. Not because “I don’t like dreamviews”</whiny voice> or wish they would change, but because it is affecting LD4all negatively and causing an unnecessary disruption.
We are kind and friendly people, and we do stand up for ourselves and what we believe in. I think it’s in our best interest to promote appreciation rather than resentment. right?