Drink Tea (WILD)

I find that when I drink lots of tea (green one of something, not strong) throughout the day or even just before bed I am able to do WILD without WBTB, in around 70 - 80 minutes. Not yet I haven’t been able to truly enter a dream, but I get to ‘sleep paralysis’ with all the strange sensations. All that happens is I sort of miss the entrance and continue back to regular sleep. This might change if I am able to do this on the 2nd or 3rd cycle.

Does anybody want to try this? Might help :wink:

  • note: this could help for ways other than WILD …

I drink a lot of tea, and it doesn’t seem very effective :eh:
Maybe when you drink tea before bed, it helps relaxing your body and makes WILD easier. It’s like people who can’t sleep, we suggest them to drink tea.
I don’t know, I might try this next time…

Well, according to WritersCube (one of the most experienced LD’ers here), tea is a great way to help with dreaming

Yeah… it’s mainly because it helps on relaxing and then focusing on a single goal.
I guess anything that relax would be really great for wild.