Never had a proper driving dream. I was about to start driving in one, but then I woke up.
[paradox]I’m an older member here and yet a newbie[/paradox] and I can still remember dreaming about driving before I got my license. Scary and thrilling at the same time. I still dream about driving, but now it’s different. My second lucid moment was when I was driving and I closed my eyes and thought I shouldn’t be driving with my eyes closed, and that’s how I realised I was dreaming. I sometimes seem to sense the direction in which I’m driving (north south east west). Weird.
You might have developed 6th sense. In our dreams, we’re capable of developing any kind of new senses including sensing the directions even though we don’t see. Have fun with your 6th sense!
Lieve dromen! (Sweet dreams!)
I never thought of it like that. If I had the same 6th sense while awake I wouldn’t get lost so often.
just last night i had a low-lucidity dream in which i was driving. i don’t have my learners yet…actually i’ve never even driven a car b/4, but anyways, i remember driving it very well. i even thought, “hey…i’m dreaming, why not make the car go really reall really fast?”. i kept control of it even then. odd…