Dying in a LD?

A very interesting thought, but keep in mind that people can also fall victim to a trap or fall in love. Granted, some equate falling in love with the actual feeling of falling, but there is still one pesky thing: When you think of falling asleep and when you remember falling asleep or waking up, do you think of or remember the feeling of falling vividly enough to name the action of falling asleep after the feeling? Do you remember the feeling of falling at all? I don’t really think of falling at all. (But that’s just me, maybe).

Good points. I’ve never actually remembered falling asleep. I don’t really know. It would be an interesting thing to remember the actual process of falling asleep though. this was just what I read in a book lol.

Someone, maybe Moogle, said that her brother managed to stay lucid through the entire sleep process, from falling asleep on. Whoever is was should ask her brother.

wow, now thats some control! :woah: