Dying in your dream

In my dream me and my family were climbing stairs that led to nowhere. I was in front. When we got to the top I looked down and saw train tracks. Then my brother pushes me off and fall on the train tracks and die. Then I wake up.

One time I got choped in half in a dream, but before I died, I pushed a button and I was back in my room pushing a vcr’s pause button. It was like the matrix or something, but it was scary. I wish I had gotten lucid, to make it less scary. But noooo, I had to think it was real untill I woke up!!! damn…

Next I die in a dream i’m going to try and become lucid, i guess I’ll use that as a dream sign.

see you guys next time :content: !!

I died once roasted by some ninjas who kept me kidnapped, after 3 escapes attempts they decided to burn me in a grill (“asado” in my country), and then eat me, then it ended.
It’s true, when I died in my dream it didn’t hurt and I wasn’t worried. It was in the escapes attempts when I was worried.

I think its the other way around, the pain it’s IRL, but it incorporates in the dreams, that’s why after the dream it keeps hurting

In my dreams when i get hurt and stuff, it often feels very very odd. like nothing i have ever felt before IRL. there is always a lot of anxiety in the dream.

one time i died in a dream and the last thing i saw was the words Game Over…

If I ever get hurt, it’s always a quick pain. It doesn’t stay for very long, I just move on. The other day I was flying in a ND, and I clunked to the ground. It felt like I had scraped my knee, but as soon as my friend helped me up, I was fine.

i was shot by a policeman once in my dream.right away i fell to the floor and died; i went to another scene where everyone was cartoon characters and pastelly colours, me and a cartoon fish started talking about politics. it was a very serene and tranquil mood, like some subconscious vision of heaven.

Hmm, I’ve never died in a dream. I’ve had countless “near scrapes”, but something always happens at the last minute to prevent me ever getting hurt, let alone killed. I’m not sure why. Sometimes I even have things happen to me that would definitely kill me in real life, and I’m completely unharmed. For example, I’ve had a tiger lunge at me only to turn aside at the last moment, I’ve been through dramatic explosions unscathed and whenever I jump down from very high places (which is often) I always land lightly on my feet. Honestly, I don’t think I’d hurt myself even if I tried (though admittedly I’m in no hurry to try)!

I’ve had a couple of dreams about death that I can remember. they were both really intense.

One was quite a few years ago, before I was really interested in dreams. I was in a prison cell and I was going to be hanged. I was crying, as much as you can possibly cry, really, but because I knew it was going to be horribly painful, not because I was going to die, or at least because I was going to die in horrible pain that someone else was inflicting on me. It made me think about capital punishment a lot (not that I supported it before, but I had never really thought through properly what it meant).

The second one was more recent. My ex-girlfriend was going to execute me (we were close friends at the time, btw!). She had a special headphone device that would electrocute my brain. I was a bit scared but quite calm. It seemed appropriate that it would be her who did it. As the device came on, I didn’t really feel anything, but became abstracted from my body, floating in this grey-green mist, with no body at all. My mind became clearer and focused without thought, like in zazen meditation. I felt myself become more abstracted from everything about my old self, as if I was reducing to pure consciousness. Then I think I woke up or drifted into another dream. This one was really interesting.

I used to believe that you would really die IRL if you died in your dreams…

But I have died. Mostly by stabbings but I’ve been hit by cars too.

I have had some dreams where I died.

One time, I dreamed I was walking down a hallway when I suddenly heard a clicking sound. Right after that, my vision turned red and I fell over backwards as the death music from the James Bond video games played.

Another time, I dreamed that I was in a car with my dad and I knew something bad was about to happen. Suddenly, everything was bathed in bright light that kept getting brighter until all I could see was white. I knew that I had died. Then, my whole life reset to when I was three. My life continued until it got to the point where I was driving with my dad and the light came again, then I died again, and my life reset again. This time, I was upset. I wanted to go on with my life rather than it play in a loop. I somehow found a shortcut in time and used it to get back to near the point where I was in the car with dad. My memory gets foggy after that, but I think I might have managed to escape the death somehow.

wow, when people tell dreams that seems to last years (You lived your life 3 times in the dream) I wonder if you can remember little details in the lives you had, or was it like beeing 3 years old and in the next second beeing in present?

I don’t think it lasted THAT long. I think there were time skips.

I have had many dreams where i have been in a life threatening situation from falling off a bridge then standing up and laughing as if i tripped over my shoe lace, to having a lethal disease that has no cure to which i do the impossible and recover! I find this very interesting and was wondering how many people have had the same sort of thing happen to them? :eh:

I know some people here have died in dreams from the older topics.

Personally I never have, i’ve been slashed, shot, stabbed and lots of other things, but either healed myself or woken up. I’ve yet to experience dream death.

Yeh this would probably drive me to do insane experiments in my dreams like hanging from power lines :tongue:

i got shot once and everything went black then i woke up so i think i died in that dream…but maybe not…i dont really remember. I had that dream years ago…it was jsut one of those dreams that jsut kinda sticks out

In a dream i had when i was a kid i died in a nuclear blast and ended up in heaven. Everything was white and foggy and part of the environment looked like a big open room in my school at the time. I saw stairs going into a cloud and god came down in a toga.

i had something similar to that 2…reading that just sparked teh memory. When i died my dream was a little more…odd

i was standing in my room looking out my window and i saw a plane fly over my house…then there were like lots more flying over my neighborhood and they were dropping bombs on my neighbors houses…then my house got hit and it blew up…and then i saw a pan with eggs frying in it and i said to myself “yup im dead, theres the fried eggs”
…i guess in my dream instead of seeing white light when you die you see fried eggs…

n e wayz i woke up shortly after and made fried eggs :cool_laugh:
