Eyelids technique - new effortless technique!

I have successfully gone into WILD when I’ve woken up with images already visible through my eyelids. I’ll give this a try if I get the chance.

I tried this 3 times and everytime had LD :grin: :grin: :grin:

allthough it did not happen when I was doing this tchnique, I fell asleep and after a while (I think I slept about half an hour) had LD

Perhaps the problem for me is that when I use this tech, I become very aware of things and when I sart to dream, awareness wakes me up immediatedly

I was wondering that is the primary target to have LD at the same time when doing this? If so I should work on this further.

Alright… I think I am doing something wrong.

This is supossed to be “effortless”, maybe I am putting effort into it… :content:

Whenever I try this my eyes open. If I relax my eyes and don’t look then they stay shut but if I try to look through my eyelids I have to force my eyelids to stay shut. What is reccomended?

I tried this last night two times, but i didn’t manage to do so.
The first time i woke up, i played dead and tried to imagine the room i was in through my eyelids. I could not get a clear scenery and moreover i heard a watch ticking which distracted me a lot. And my heart was beating faster because i got too excited. So i gave up, took the battery out of the watch and went to sleep again. I was a bit angered because for this try i forgot the dream i had.
When i woke up again, i had the problem of hearing my girlfriend breathing which made me furious. Furthermore my heart started beating faster again and i could not get a clear imagination, though i had a strange feeling in my body like the first time.
At least i think i was able to get an idea of what to do.
I know that i have to stay calm in this situation. But how? Can you suggest something? I think i should try it again, when i’m sleeping alone.


The first times you try it, you get excited, that’s natural. The expectations are big. :content: But after trying and retrying it, you’ll just do it by the way, without thinking too much about it. And that’s it.

Sounds good can’t wait to try it

Sounds like a good one. Problem is ( and it looks like I’m not alone) It’s gonna take me a while to wake myself up middle of the night without an alarm clock. I’m gonna try it tonight though and as soon as I get the chance I’ll post the results. :content:

glad i’m not alone.i thought this would be awesome for i know that i wake frequently at night so i tried and had the same heart beating problem and it was impossible to fall asleep i concentratedpretty hard oh well,success rate sounds high so i’ll keep trying tonight! :tongue:

I have the same prob as kcdonald, when i relax my eye lids they open a bit, this has been a prob 4 WILD too :bored: