Falling in Love in a Lucid Dream!?

I’ve had many dreams with great emotions being felt. I can’t say it was, ‘love’ that I was feeling, since I’m not particularly familiar of how love should be like…

Every time I would come across this specific DC, exchange of emotion would occur through a simple glance, that is… quite electrifying. Intense, filled with warmth, joy, and protection. No words need to be said or any actions done, just a simple glimpse into his eyes was enough. He would appear in many forms; I always know it is him through senses. I refer to him as my SG. Unfortunately, he rarely makes appearances. I always wake up incredibly upset with a heavy heart longing to see him again. I wish I could see him again, especially nowadays. :\

Now whether DCs are real or not? That is another topic. However, through my encounters I’ve had eerie hollows and some, not a lot, of active ‘real’ DCs. You can tell by questioning them and looking them in the eyes. The ‘real’ DCs are able to respond and seem to have minds of their own. While hollows are creepy, for me they don’t respond or speak gibberish with a blank expression. Their eyes are just lifeless, empty. Which reminds me of that famous quote,

“The Eyes are the window to your soul…” - William Shakespeare.

Well put, I agree with this. :happy:

ive experienced this but what happend later in the dream sucked, so i asked her if she wanted to fuck and after go explore this was a LD by the way and i was with an old friend in the dream and some random girl (not the girl i fell in love with) the old friend i was with cheated with this girl who was with another old friend of mine IRL and then history repeated itself in my LD when i went out of the room for a second i came back and my old friend was banging the girl i fell in love with and the random girl :sad: shit pissed me off and what happend after is kind of hazy dont quite remember but when i woke up i regret not using some magic and blasting him with a fireball and start fucking the two of them in place of him.[/list]

False. Not that I can really prove it to you, but from very clear experience, I can self-confirm that this is false. I’m sure there are many many other people in the world that can agree with me on this. I am absolutely 100% sure, that many of the people I have seen in my dreams are not people I’ve seen in real life. They are very distinct, with distinct personalities, and features. They do not match anyone I’ve seen in real life. For example. I have never seen anyone in real life, with short pure white hair, and pink eyes.

I rarely actually see people I know in real life in my dreams. I’m no good at keeping track of information or data, but one thing I am very keen on is aesthetics, and people’s faces. I know when I’ve seen someone before.[/color]

I had the same experience like the person in the first post. I was dreaming, and there was a DC that wasn’t even my type of a guy at the moment (dark haired and dark eyed, instead of the blondes I chased after IRL), but I fell in love with him. He promised to return, and I went to sleep every night, waiting for him to appear again, but he never came. I gave up.

Then I saw a picture of my current (and forever) boyfriend (we met on a forum), and I almost fell off a chair. It was that guy! I still can’t explain it. He believed me when I told him about the dream, and we even share the same memories from previous lives. Also, when I met his family, I realized that I had dreamt about them before, too.

So yeah, I don’t believe in that our dreams use only the faces they know, and I think that there’s much more to that.

I had a dream once that I met the absolute perfect guy and I think we were in love. But then at the end he had died and it was my fault… That morning and the rest of the day I was really depressed…

It’s happened to me before. The person I fell in love with didn’t die, but I woke up all sad and depressed that I might not ever see them again. :sad:

Yeah I’ve had it before, the crush lasted a few weeks D:
Was a real person aswell