Fasting is also a way to realize how lucky we are that we have enough food. At my school, I participated in the 40 hour famine, where a bunch of students did not eat any solid foods for 40 hours, and by the end, I realized how many of us take for granted our easy acess to food.
Besides, Fasting for only 2 days will not cause any permanent damage to the body. While you may not see a point to fasting, other people find it relevant and important.
Ahh… I haven’t fasted in a while, but I’d highly recommend it. Like everyone else has said, it’s great for you spiritually, and it really helps you to clear your body of all of the junk that you put in it. And, if nothing else, it’s a great way to practice self-discipline; lots of priests recommend it as a way to break bad habits.
You really do have to be careful to ease into it, though. I did a pre-easter, Triduum fast (Holy Thursday night to midnight Easter morning… yes, I’m a silly Catholic) and tried surviving purely on water. It went pretty well until Saturday morning… I got up from decorating easter eggs with the family and sorta passed out XP.
its not something to do out of self-punishment, more out of intuition, just randomly noticing “today i can go without eating and be fine” or “today I can have one meal” vs “i MUST do such and such”
on the Jewish thing and sins, fasting can clean the mind of a lot of karma,
and on meditation,
meditation is a large portion to do with energy, when the body is clean the mind opens up exceptionally stronger to the subtle energies and color, and this can be achieved just by having a good diet of course, like all raw foods and eating lightly.
I have been without food (only water) only 60 hours, but some of my friends have practiced much longer fasts 10 days, 24 days and one said that he did even 41 day fast. Last was just to overcome Jesus
If anyone want to fast longer than 3-4 days then is important to read carefully how to do it, because if you do it wrongly you may harm your health. Two most important rules are: move a lot (5 - 10 km a day or something like this) and go out from the fast slowly, starting with liquids.
If possible then do your first longer fast under the care of experienced “fasters”.
Most people do recover their weight and physical strength after fast completely. So its not a good method for weight loosing.
Fast change the state of mind strongly and different un/pleasant physical and mental experiences may occur. Its a spiritual method also.
in Be Here Now it is said that fasting is not so useful because the jump in spiritual consciousness is very violent and sudden compared to a gradual steady progress.
now an average westerner may have a lot to gain form a 2-3 day fresh juice fast once a month, or things like that, especially if they wish to heal terminal illnesses.
fresh juice is juice made from a juicer with organic fruits or veggies.
Thanks for the replies so far …
@Eylids … you , me and aks seem to dominate this topic almost completly …
I have heard of fasting but never thought of trying it, but it actally seems liek a good idea, coz i eat wayyy to much, im really skinny but eat more than someone i know who weighs 18 odd stone, so its giving me very bad stomach problems, m going to read up about this on wiki and see what things can be consumed ect and give it a try, for i dunno 3-5 days and ill keep a log on this thread
Edit: ill try for 3 days with just water =/
lol this will be the death of me haha xD
Here are some important remarks.
From the physiological point of view there are great difference between juice fast and water fast (dry fast is also practiced, but do not try it for biginning!). If you drink juice then your body gets some energy from sugars and the general energy metabolism is almost normal during the fast.
Glycogen and the other sources of sugars would be consumed after 2-3 days on water fast. Then your body should turn on “the internal digestion mode”. This means that the energy is produced only by burning fats and proteins. This is usually the second hard moment during the fast (first is at the biginning then your stomach still wants do digest something). After this moment the fast becomes easier again and peolpe may feel even some kind of ecstasy. Some doctors say that the real fast starts from that point.
nah don’t do it
3 days with just water is a lot for you the way you talk about it lol!
fast until you feel pretty hungry then eat.
sometimes i eat just a meal a day sometimes i eat like half a tray of brownies
i’m allowed to do it and maintain health for whatever reason.
Try do find out some fasting rules from the net or literature. Specially how to go out otherwise you may get some stomach problems even after 3 day fast. If you are younger then 21 then may be you wait a little with that?!
yeah i had sometime earlier and i did a bitta research, and i feel ill be ok with it,
and as for the not being able to do it, as how i speak about it, i hate that i can eat that much and not be full, i wanna sort my eating out, so i guess this would be a ggood way to kinda start from scrach, if i feel sick and anything, then ill stop and eat tho.
Hah, that’s the point I got overwhelmed last time (And First Time) I tryed to fast.
I’ll try to beat it next time!