Favorite thing to do

  1. Flying (a must!)
  2. Exploring (another a must!)
  3. Showing off my powers
  4. Talking to DCs (I even had one that claimed that she is my subconscious character! What an interesting conversation!)
  5. Trying to put my creativy mind at its max. capablity and beyond
  6. Traveling to the future (I have been to 800 years later and 1,800 years later).
  7. Meditation (Yes, I do meditate in my dreams!)
    and… FINALLY…
    :cool: Experiment to find a new technique (for WILD mostly) or just to experiment for fun.

Whew! A lot of favorites! :shy:

Flying, trying to convince my DCs I am dreaming and discussing with them what that means for them, doing experiments to better understand the brain and test theories I already have or have heard of.

The most beatiful thing to watch is the night sky.It is one of my favorite things to do in my dreams. I can do this for my whole dream sometimes. You never know what you will see.

i’ve had one real lucid dream…
i ate stuff in it. like a computer and speakers. :smile: it was cool.
but the taste wasn’t that fun…