Final Fantasy

I’ve had dozens of Chrono Trigger dreams. I also had one where I was Megaman X. That one was fun.

coughpoints to avycough

points to username

Honestly though, I’m not a huge fan of the series… (SEGA and Phantasy Star forever!!!) Reno has just kinda become my universal nickname over the years. :content:

Oh, and I knew what you meant painocus, I was just kidding. Yeah, the standard, “you hit me, I hit you” battle system of the Final Fantasy series wouldn’t be very fun. I would probably just forget the game and just visit places and kill things!

This is an interesting topic since visualizing a world from an RPG (FF, CT, etc) is something I have often tried to do when I attempt to LD. It’s very tough for me to visualize an entire world and the characters within it… though I pulled it off nearly perfectly once, with a pretty bad end result that has deterred me from trying again.

I wouldn’t mind trying again, but the difficulty of it is what stops me most of the time. If anyone has any tips, I wouldn’t mind hearing them!

i’ve been in a dynasty warriors game thats pretty cool i was unbeatable :cool:

does anyone here play morrowind or oblivion?

i think lucid dreaming up those games would be kinda pointless.
you can pretty much do anything you want in the real life game anyway.

it would be cool to “play” Lineage 2 with your friends, but you’ll get your own look and your own attack moves, it would be cool :boogie:

I should try to cast an “aga” at someone tonight =D

Now to decide which one… (i’m thinking Firaga or Blizaga, since Thundaga is usually the one i think of last)

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Alundra, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, MGS, Suikoden and Suikoden 2 are the games I like, hope anyone has played games like Alundra (very similar to Zelda) :grin:

Were the fights turn-based like Final Fantasy or more action based like in the Tales games?

well, i have been in a couple of games but mostly MW2 but FF does seem like a awesome game to go into!! :smile:

I’m planning out an FF LD, but the battles won’t be turn based - they’ll be like real life, but with FF abilties. In my next LD, I’ll travel to some locations in the FF series and perhaps fly an airship, fight Sephiroth or even ride a chocobo :smile:

about the “100-year dreams” thing, im pretty sure they call that speed-solving, its a technique that scientists havent quite figured out yet, it has to do with slowing the brains pulse so that your dreams will last longer amounts of time, there is one man, who spends an entire lifetime in every one of his dreams.
everyone has a different dream-time, mine can last only a few seconds and im awake, or i can spend an entire week in a dream. (20 days was my best time)
not sure what contributes to each persons dream-time, but some peoples dreams just last longer than others.

anyone ever try fighting in “The last Remnant”?