first post, (why do I always end up in my room?)

Hey, I have visited this site and read this forum many times. I got interested in lucid dreaming about three years ago and have had a lot of sucess with it. What works for me the best is to set my alarm clock for six in the morning and remain consciouse as I fall back asleep. Flying is one of my favorite things to do while in an LD. Some trouble I have had in the past is that I always end up in my room in an LD. I will fly out the window into my neighborhood but wake up as soon as I get down the street. It is frustrating to be in the same enviorment in all my lds. Especially since it is just my room. I want to explore some dream enviorments. Well anyway I am excited to meet all you fellow lucid dreamers.

Welcome! I’m sure you’re going to have a fantastic time on these forums, everybody’s really friendly!

Could you tell me which techniques you’re using?

Im kind of new here but madhatter is right these forums are a blast, and unlike most forums everyone is really friendly which makes it even cooler see ya around.

:welcome: welcome to LD4all Matt-20
a similar topic is in this forum too changing a LD
in which sureal replied

:thumbs: good luck … let us know how you get on :content:

It sounds like you do WBTB + WILD and in most of my wilds I do end up in my room.

Try to take your time once you become lucid. Calm yourself and perhaps even do a prolonging technique as this may help you stabilize things.

Also check out the link moogle directed you to as there is some good info there.

Welcome to the forum. :smile:

welcome to the site :smile:

Lots of my Ld’s start in my room as well. I think one reason is because you’re aware at the time that your real body is sleeping in your bedroom.

Keep telling yourself that you have control as the dream is taking place in your mind and not in the external world. Maybe you could use the spinning technique to spin yourself into a different location. Sometimes while I’m lucid i try to visualise what i want to appear and it sort of works.

Oh yes and Welcome to the site.

Yeah, I think the reason you may find yourself in your room many of the times, is because you use WILD. and with WILD, you begin the dream in your room and just sort of melt into a dream. Next time you end up in your room and are lucid, try closing your eyes and falling backwards. you may be surprised at how it could change your dream. Also, spinning around helps change things up.

Instead of flying out your bedroom window, turn and go out of your room using the door and walk outside. Your dream might change on the way out of your house if you give it a little effort manipulating your surroundings.