I had my first WILD last night and it was absolutely amazing. I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to try WILD. I didn’t want to get up, because moving around keeps me far too awake to fall asleep again. So I simply lay in bed for a while with my eyes wide open, thinking.
After a while, I rolled over onto my side (how I normally sleep) and closed my eyes. I actually didn’t use any techniques, I just lay there. Then suddenly I was in a dream!
The whole process was actually a lot shorter than most people describe. All I did was lie there, thinking. I wasn’t even thinking about SP, until suddenly I realized that I couldn’t move. My body started vibrating madly, and I could see random pictures flashing in front of my eyes. I was a little scared so I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn’t move. Then the reality hit me: I was so close to an LD!
So I used Nick Newport’s dream exit method called gravity press and turn ( methods/). I felt my dream body sliding away from my actual body. I opened my eyes and did a RC, and I was dreaming!!!
The actual dream didn’t last more than a few seconds, but I think that was because I didn’t know what to do in the dream. I didn’t have any dream goals; my only goal was to have a WILD. But that’s okay, because I did what I wanted to, and got a WILD!!!
My question is, does it get any easier from here? Is it more if a ‘practice makes perfect’ kind of thing or a ‘luck’ thing? Also, I didn’t really use a technique here, so I’m curious if my WILD was based a little on luck.
I normally can fall asleep in like five minutes, and I think that has something to fdo with my success. In my previous attempts, I got up and walked around, and when it came time to WILD I used a technique like counting. These techniques kept me awake so that it was almost impossible to fall asleep again. This time, I merely woke myself up for a few minutes, then went back to sleep using no technique at all.This alllowed me to fall asleep at normal speed, and I a WILD within the first 5-10 minutes… literally!