For all you bad lucid dreamers: THIS WILL WORK! SUBLIMINAL!!

Hint! Dont look longer then 10 to 15 min at the spiral or your brain is going to addept…and it will work less…longer is not always better…

I had a long phone call…that’s why I starred for about 40 minutes on the spiral :wink:

I only looked at the spiral for a really small while yesterday AND it was in the MIDDLE of the day, no where NEAR when I was going to bed.

I had some… fucking WEIRD dreams last night!..

one involved me going to some military… show… type thing, there were these crappy planes and I think maybe a humvee or two with an m60 on them.

I know what inspired this, I was watching Tremors 2 last night and there’s this guy called Burt and he gets this truck full of c4 and stuff… and guns.

Then there was a REALLY weird one…

ok it was like this, this guy goes into a house and there’s an old man who’s bald and has a kind of… tall head… sort of thing.

Then the guy (who I think is kinda like Kain from Blood Omen) has this… stick that’s on fire and it’s got a face on it for some reason :neutral: like… a drawn on one or something… sorta like “Wilson” from Cast Away :grin:

and then it’s like… the guy burns the house and runs out of it, but… there was a reason for doing it, I don’t know what… but he wanted the guy in the house alive.

so then the guy is outside the house looking at the old man trying to get out… but then… he’s walking out and some of the house falls on him and kills him.

then the guy like Kain tries to revive him, he brings him to the basement or something and then it’s like a game or something where I (or someone) picks what the guy getting revived is gonna look like kinda thing…

it’s like the create-a-wrestler modes from wrestling games or something and I remember the guy that was revived having the iron armour from BO1 which was in BO2 when you do did a cheat and at one point, the thing on Kain’s shoulder from Bo1.

in the end I believe his skin was red, and… he was sortof… demonic :neutral: .

a VERY weird dream…

and I don’t think I ever played a part in it… it was watching tv.

I think I might have had another one too but… meh… I dunno.

either way, this spiral thing seems to be VERY good for my dream recall.

“…longer is not always better…”

my gf disagrees:)

im not really sure what u should be doing during those 20 min, but lemme tell u it can be like 10-20 minutes. experiment with different times and see whats best for u.

Well, I tired AGAIN last night, stared at the spiral for about 5 minutes, then I decided to focus on each line of the messages for about 1 minute. I did not conciously read the words, but let my mind absorb them.

Went to bed…NOTHING :grrr:

I REALLY want to havea lucid dream, and I keep getting more frustrated. But, Ill try again tonight.

Beef, Ive been trying for over a year and just lately have been getting some good LD frequency. Ive had, I think, four in the last month. So don’t lose patience… it can go slow in the start for some but you’ll get there.

Personally, I find it hard to watch the spiral without moving my eyes… I keep wanting to follow it around with my gaze.

Lol! there is always an exception to anything Jack…hehe :happy:

i tried it last night. i looked at the spiral for exactly 7 min and waited for around 1/2 an hour. no lds, but i wasn’t really expecting any(2 years kinda wears down your confidence when it comes to lds :smile: ) but my dream recall was better. i dreamed that me and some other people were acting out that old dune movie :smile:

I watched it for about 10 minutes… my eyes got all messed up :eek:
Didn’t get an LD but I found it more easier for me to fall asleep, or it was
just because I went to sleep at 2:30 AM :smile:

ya, the subliminals also tell u to remember dreams better. for those of you people who posted with no LDs, like the person who has tried for 2 years, im just wondering, have u ever tried the SUNEYE method?, ben

I tried the swirl for the first time last night on friday and i had 2 LDs and they werent lik my normal ones. i felt lik when i was in the normal dream right b4 i became lucid my transfer to being lucid was more controlled and expected. But like i always do ill give a full detailed explaination of wut i did to try to spread the success. First of all i looked at it for about 12 min. not to long not to short. And when i stared at the swirl i dint look directly at the center the whole time but rather stared at the entire swirl till the point that it appeared as an illusion of going through a tunnel and then just watched that for a bit. As for the text i was curious to take the time to see wut it said but if i let me conscience absorb it it wouldnt work as good so i dint (and just trusted it wasnt telling me to burn things). Earlier that day i had been lookin for a site dealin wit self hypnosis and i found 1 i forget the link though if u use google just type in “self hypnosis” as the key word. Anyway i did this b4 going to bed last night and i suggest to myself that i was gonna have lucid dreams and i was gonna know when i was dreaming. So im guessin this along wit the sublim mess. gave my subconsciense enough ‘kick’ to give me an LD or rather 2. 1 was DILD and 1 was WILD.
Also after reading about subliminal messaging i got an idea that might work. Since these forums are filled with tons of talk on lucid dreams, why not use that. Just click on a couple topics but instead of reading the posts just skim over it wit ur eyes to fast to read any of it. Ur subconscience will definatly pick it up and from wut i understand because ur conscience wont get to absorb any of it ur subconscience will better. Give it a try.

I’m gonna re-do that as a test, but instead of that text, i’m gonna tell it to tell you to look for vital signs or look for odd things and like reality checks. Of course I will have to make it smart… So i’ll do that tommarro morning when i’m awake.

Tried it last night… gazed loosly at the spiral for 11 mins… no LDs but dream recall was a lot better… some pretty f**ked up dreams I had… :eek: 5 to be exact… I usually dont remember any!

A lot of people seem to be saying that they aren’t getting LDs from it but deffinitely seem to be recalling their dreams more clearly. Thats interesting. I wonder why that message is getting through…

I watched it for a while yesterday too though I doubt very much that I looked at it for even ten minutes. However, I had a very long and very interesting dream. The emotions were pretty strong in it too. Very interesting… I will have to try longer tonight.

Is it possible to save that image as a .gif and have it maintain the animation or is there no way to say an animated .gif file? Be nice to just have the .gif file on the hard disk.

Are you the author of that spiral thing or are you just moddifying it?

Well either way, one suggestion I’d have is to make that spiral better. I’m having a hard time looking at it because it moves in like 5 frames and the tunneling effect takes some effort to see. If you want help with the spiral thing I might be able to come up with something.

It’s nice to see some people get LD. I’ll also give it more tries. I have to go burn something now…

Why don’t you save the whole html-file? Just save the whole document. It will save the .gif with the html and you can watch the page everytime you want from your hard disk.

Forgot to mention, I tried it friday evening, no LD but had a vivid dream. Tried it yesterday, no result. But I have to admit I am extremely lazy these days when it comes to writing dreams down and practicing LD-techniques :wink: . I will try it for the rest of the week, if I get an LD it’s great even if it’s just a placebo effect.

I think this works for me.

the 2 nights I tried it, I got good dream recall.

BUT… YESTERDAY I didn’t do it at all.

and guess what? nothing… don’t remember anything…

I’ve gotta try looking at it tonight…

Just a little tip:

But another window over the stupid angelfire banner, so you don´t have to watch it all the time while looking at the spiral

Naw, i’m not the maker. But if you would like to make me another spiral then feel free to email it to me at :smile: For now I will just use that guys. And if anybody has any ideas of what else I should add or how I should word it then tell me.