Freaky dreams of death

Wel that really is freaky heh, but i understand what you mean by your glad you had them.

They say dreams of death mean some sort of change is happening in your life…you get any change happening at all?


hey that bungee cord you mentioned is called the Silver cord or Umbilical cord in OBE’s. it’s what keeps your spirit soul attached to your body. i wonder if that cord gets severed in your dreams means that you’ll be dead in real life.
i only had one dream of death i think. several months ago.
in the dream i was in a night club and all of a sudden there was a huge explosion. i just remembered the bright orange flames rolling over me like a wave as i was ducking and covering and it became white out. there wasn’t any pain but rather some kind of vibrational sensation. after that it like skipped to a scene where i’m in a middle of this illuminated green tunnel with colorful images passing overhead and under my feet in frames. for some reason i think it was images from lives of who knows who’s.

Stranger, I apologize, I didn’t even see that you had asked me that question (so long ago).

The second dream happened right after I moved, so yeah, it was a pretty huge change going on. But the first one was so long ago that I can’t even remember sadly.

Lately I’ve been dreaming that people are trying to kill me, also that my mum murders ppl. I know that dreaming of dying is supposed to signify change, but does it still apply here. And there has been nothing new in my life…ever lol, it’s all the same.

i got repeatedly and randomly stabbed last night

on a plus side, it was perhaps the first time i’ve ever whacked someones limb off… it wasn’t kill bill like in nature but it flew off none the less.

can’t say she didn’t have it coming, even though I think I took that arm off multiple times before I got it through to her to stop. !

"But the best example I have is this:
In a dream, a dude put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger, everything suddenly turned white… I felt like I was leaving my body, but something in me said that it was not time for this yet, and I actually felt afraid of dying, so I struggled my way back to my body, and re-entered it. "

This used to happen to me… and it used to be when I had never died in a dream. If the brain believes it is dying, you have an NDE… which well, I’m not sure what they are like, but more intense then OBEs… it tries to replicate the experience… would you actually have died if you went with it? I’m not sure at all… I doubt it, your brain knows it isn’t real, but YOU don’t… (this is what I think anyway, since it is generating your dreams)

All I can say is one day you will die in a dream, and it won’t be like “oh my god I’m gonna die!” it’ll be like “wtf, someone shot me in the head, shouldn’t I be dead? Oh… I’m a ghost now” or something, and then you won’t worry about dying in dreams anymore, becuase it was a non-scary experience.

In fact, maybe that will happen tonight subliminal message :wink:

but yeah, the times where you think you are really going to die are scary, sa you become familiar with dreams more those tend to stop happening… all I can say is I’ve had that happen a few times, and I thought I came close to dying, mayeb I did, maybe I didn’t, but it was a fading white light, lots of adrenaline, things feeling like they were falling apart, and then I woke up… and I think really it was just the beginning of an NDE perhaps.

I’d like to have an NDE, proviidng it’s a good trip (and not from REALLY actually dying, just inducing it somehow in dream)…

the only real way you could die for real that I could forsee is being so scared you have a heart attack or something, but if you are in normal health that shouldn’t happen… for all the stress you endure, you get rested up in non dreaming sleep I’m sure.

oh yeah and when I was little I had a drowning dream where I forced my eyelids open gasping for breath, and I really thought I was abuot to die… I bet it was either apnea or I had just started holding my breath (in dream and real life) becuase I thought I was underwater… man it freaked me out.