Ganz Feld + lucid?

Is there any way to incorporate Ganz Feld into lucid dreaming. I haven’t had much happen so far with Ganz Feld, but I’m sure I could incorporate some lucid techniques and get some results. Any positive experiences with Ganzfeld?

Hmmm… you might want to enlighten us as to what Ganz Feld is. I googled it and nothing came up. I put the words together and got something for Ganzfeld, but I’m not sure if that’s what you mean…

Yes, that’s it. I wasn’t sure if it was one or two words. It’s where you listen to static, put ping pong balls completely covering your eyes (usually using tape), and shine a red light on your face. It results in a solid red/pink view that your brain ignores, so it looks like you have your eyes closed. The static also gets ignored eventually, so it leaves your brain free to make up its own sensory information. I’ve gone into REM while doing this once (with my eyes open), so I think that it may work for lucid dreaming or something similar.

Sounds interesting. I haven’t heard of any of the other dreams around here trying that yet, but it could be a good aid to WILD or VILD. Mind you, I have a hard to going to sleep with even just a sleep mask on, so I’m not sure I could handle the tape and ping pong balls. But if you’ve had success before give it a try with LD’s in mind and see how it goes :smile:

Well, why not. Solaris that does the same thing, only with Image Streaming, in any way experiencing prolonged and conscious HI is a great way to get in gear for LD’ing :content:

Hmm this is quite interesting…

But it will only work if you can stay awake of course. How do you prevent your eyes from closing when you get sleepy?

There’s not any need to keep them open, not that there’s much difference when all you see is complete dark :tongue:
The half balls are to shut down even the faintest signal the eye could receive, and that the eyelid wouldn’t block.It’s the same principle of the isolation bath: no external signals --> mind can focus freely on the internal ones.

Actually, you see a solid red light, but your brain soon ignores it. Since it seems like your eyes are closed, it’s not difficult to keep them open. It can be hard sometimes to stay awake. I fell asleep once doing it, and I think my eyes may have been open; I know they were open when I had REM. Thanks for the responses, I may try lucid dreaming with this technique.