Getting Frustrated

I tried to do WILD during a nap today.

And I failed at doing it. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’ll lie perfectly still with my arms at my sides, and after ten minutes, I’ll feel a numbing sensation and then my eyes will start to twitch and flutter. This happens for ten seconds, and then I go back to the first phase. And it’s like a cycle.

Every minute, that sensation comes back, and then in ten seconds, it’s gone.

Is that normal? I was lying there for forty minutes, and I never got to the point where you start hearing voices/seeing things in your eyelids. In fact, I’ve never gotten to that point and I’ve tried WILD for months.

This is exactly what happens to me. I lay there and my eyes start to flutter, then after a while they stop. What I’ve learned is that it depends on the time of day you try to WILD. Usually the middle of the night is the best.

dont concentrate on getting to the point where you hear voices or whatever, not everyone experiences them, however it sounds like your on the right track with the sensations, just try to make them deeper by really concentrating on them.

Actually, for me, what the eye sensation has usually been for me, is not my eyes themselves fluttering, but my eyeLIDS trying to come open.

Okay, so let’s say that I experience the sensation.

In the sensation, my eyes flutter and twitch a ton, my body feels like it’s rising up from the bed, and my heart rate increases (but breathing stays normal).

What exactly do I do? Do I visualize a dream?

when i try wild i tend to listen to binaural beats that seems to get me into deeper relaxation and when i do see HI all i see mainly is like a dark sky with stars

Maze, you could attempt to picture the scene that you want, or you could just lie there and let your SC do what it does.

Alright, I’ll try that tonight.

So, will I still get the lucid dream (to the final phase), even if I don’t get HI and noises?

It depends, no one but you knows your REM cycle. Everyone falls asleep a bit differently.

Another question I have:

When I do eventually get to my Lucid Dream, can I just generate characters? Like, I just want characters to just appear (for fun). How do I do that? Do I just have to imagine them there?

Until you have great control, it’s not that simple. Think, “When I turn around, (so and so) will be behind me.” Or “(so and so) should be arriving at any second now.”

Also, how exactly do you chain lucid dreams?

Chaining is basically: When you wake up, keep you eyes closed and do not move. Focus on the dream you just left and in a few seconds you should fall back asleep and continue where you left off.

Ah, I see.

The threads I saw about it went too much detail and ended up confusing me. Thanks for simplifying it.

I wouldn’t suggest starting with WILD. It tends to be one of the more difficult techniques. I’d suggest starting a dream journal according to this link and working from there. Once you’ve had a couple LD’s you could maybe try WILD again, but it is generally not easy for beginners.