Gift Cards

Ah clothes! Clothes as a kid was horrible! But I guess, it’s because they really don’t know what to get, and you will maybe use them.

However, I got an awesome Princess Peach t-shirt from Kuro which as I said was awesome XD :smile: :loves gaming: Now if they’d only make those little Yoshi Mario Kart things with Peach…

ah, an old thread revived for the holiday season.
Nothing cheerier than b*tching about other’s goodwill, right?

Not that at all, I found it so amazing corporations could convince people to buy into a scheme like this. Here, come here and make your money less useful, the kids will love it! PROMISE ME YOUR MONEY!!! cause when we get that $25 dollar gift card the thing we want is always $30…
Currently there is eight billion dollars worth of unspent gift cards in the US alone. Talk about a corporate scheme. … rds27.html

Ah, I saw that news article somewhere the other day! I totally forgot till I saw that ^^;

But yeah…

Gift cards? I’ve never received any, i’ve hardly heard about them as well. I guess we dont really use them that much in greece… yet… :neutral:
I believe it’s very impersonal… If you dont know what to get them exactly you can always go shopping with the person and decide on something together or something, i’ve done it quite a few times with my mates :content:

Hehe, I heard someone else talking to his friends about a reason why cash isn’t a really good gift for Christmas. It goes like this: If I gave you a $20 and you gave me a $20, we’ll both end up with what we had in the beginning. And I do agree with him, it can get ridiculous if everyone started giving money out instead of gifts (which is apparently unlikely, but it could make an ideal dystopia story!), especially if one person gives more/less money than the other person.

It’s pretty odd, though. I wanted to give gifts to my teachers, both my current ones and my former ones. That’s approximately 11 teachers, and I really appreciate all of them. But the problem is that I don’t really know what they want for Christmas. Someone that I know suggested that I should give a $5 gift card for Starbucks to each of them. A Starbucks $5 gift card. Wonderful! Just something my art teacher has been dying for! Five dollars worth of coffee! It really must be a touching experience to stuff that card into his wallet, where it may be forgotten for a few months before he decides to give it to someone else because he does not care that much about coffee!

But in the end, I ended up not giving presents to my teachers, just like most of my other classmates. :sad: But anyways, gift cards and money are the cheapest gifts to give.

I don’t think money is a cheap gift at all. I’m in a very tight money situation right now, I’m trying to find a new job, trying to move out, trying to study horticulture, and if someone gave me cash I would have liked it much more than any gift they bought. I’d rather have something I can use.
All of the people that really care about me don’t need to show it with Christmas gifts, I already know they love me and I love them. And all the other people who give me gifts aren’t fooling anyone. I know that after the little Christmas gathering all those obscure relatives won’t even think of me in any capacity until the next Christmas gathering, so why pretend you deeply care by getting some personal gift?

It’s interesting that while reading the comics in the newspaper this morning, I came across this comic. :content: Seems like we’re not the only ones with the whole idea of gift cards on our minds.

But emergency funds can be used. Honestly, all I get are gift cards. I’m too young to work, so if my house burns down or something, I’ll only have about $500 to survive on.

Well, with who do you live? With your parents, don’t you think they will take care of you? I mean I can’t imagine you would live alone, as if that was the case you would have to pay monthly expenses every month and your reasoning would be wrong…

And if they die too?

For the record, I’m not a pessimist. I just plan for worst case scenarios, just in case.

I used to prefer money and gift cards, but then I had to start buying my school supplies, so now I’ve grown to appreciate the thoughtful “Hey, you could use this!” to the “Go buy something nice.”

They probably have a will in which they probably have arranged something for you as well. And you will get a share of their money and such. Plus I assume you have insurance on your house as well.

I think when people are younger they are getting more presents than money and giftcards. Until a certain age, but that makes a lot of sense as young people usually don’t really have any idea about spending money. And with young I mean really young, :wink:

What I don’t like about giving money/gift card is that the person exactly sees how much you spend on them. I don’t know why, but I just don’t like that. With gifts you can only guess how much it is approximately but usually you don’t really think about it. While if you give a giftcard/money it is there and you can’t avoid that.

Plus it’s really easy to shop for them. Just buy the latest Lego thing and they’ll love you forever.

Now here’s an interesting law that was just put into effect. Here at California, if you have any gift cards that has less than $10 in it, then you can redeem the leftover balance for cash!

It’s another reason why Q should move here! :razz:

yeah that extra 20 dollars is gonna be the perk to end all perks…

I’m going out today with a bunch of old gift cards to redeem them for cash. I kinda feel like a crackhead, but hey, I need the money, right?


I got an awesome card for a book store, but other one, a mall one…they wouldn’t give me cash back…or even another mall voucher! I finally found a store willing to give cash…and ended up spending the cash in the mall anyway but &&;