"God this, God that" In the USA

Yeah, republicans rolls eyes. Not really, just Bush. He is the biggest load of crap president, everyoen defends him with, well he had to be the president with the terrorist attacks and no one else would have handled it as good…he handled it good? If he gets re-elected this year I’m moving to canada once and for all.

Or perhaps becuase changing it is pretty much a waste of time, it means every form of the original has to be modified. That costs money.

You’ll move to Canada because he’s a Christian? Or because he handled the attacks poorly? If it’s the former, then please feel free to get out. If it’s the latter, then, again, feel free to get out.

Declaring Christianity as “bullshit” is typical; people talking about it’s lack of “reason”. I’m not here to preach the “you gotta have faith, man” stuff, but I would be interested to see how you defend your position of Christianity being irrational. Perhaps you lack the ability to comprehend Creation, or the Resurrection, or other events, and dismiss them as false. Heck, people who thought the world was round were viewed as pretty stupid 600 years ago.

Just my personal opinion, don’t feel like I’m trying to argue, I just feel strongly about people who casually dismiss any faith as ‘bullshit’.

nice to see the political discussion does not cease.

That’s it. You just pushed me over the edge. I’m going to begin writing a page that explains just why Christianity IS irrational. Not to attack your beliefs, it’s just that I’ve spent 10 years working on this problem and I’m better informed than most. I bet you haven’t even read the Bible… Anywho, I’ll post the address when it’s completed. For now, check out


That’s the King James Version of the Bible with annotations by skeptics, as apposed to the usual biased ones. Maybe these annotations are biased the other way, but it can’t hurt to look at somebody else’s point of view. And hey, they back up everything they say with related verses from the Bible.

I’ve seen that site before. Intriguing. Especially the footnotes explicitly mocking certain verses. Nice use of Monty Python references in certain Revelation footnotes.

By the way, I’ve read each and every book of the Bible. Paul’s letter to the Romans is my favorite book, followed closely by James. Thanks anyways.