Guys You Would Love to dream About

i think we ALL know what i’m going to say

oh yes

Brad Pitt in all his studlyness

But anyway…

Most of the dudes i would want to dream about would be fictional characters :razz:.

Maybe Link from LoZ or such,

i could fight Arthas or Illiden from Warcraft, too.

Also, Sean Connery is epic incarnate :open_mouth:

Chris Corner :hugs: = Me and Chris… I wish :roll:

OMG :eek: He is so freakin’ HAWT :tongue:

His hotness is directly proportionate to the moral manly wrongess of my post :tongue:

Oh, Charlie Sheen a la mode with a generous helping of Ron Pearlman :cloud9:


hehe, most of mine are from musicals…

hugh panaro- as phantom
gerard butler-as phantom, maybe as king leonidas from 300, just for the body and lack of clothes :tongue:
john owen jones-as phantom
michael crawford-as phantom
i’d do music of the night, point of no return, and the kiss with all of them. :yes:
ewan mcgregor- as christian from moulin rouge
totally do elephant love medley with him :wink:
haha, when i typed elephant, i automatically went elephantom
i think i’m obsessed. :content:
adam pascal- as roger from rent
i’d do your eyes with him, but instead of dying, i’d kiss him :nodnodwinkwink:
steve barton- as raoul(phantom of the opera)
i’d do all i ask of you :gni:
matthew mcfadyen- as darcy(pride and prejudice)
i love that rugged beauty!
jake gyllenhaal- preferrably as sam from day after tomorrow. i love that movie…
there will be more! trust me, i get a new celeb crush almost every day… :grin: